Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm Blown Away...

Allison Winn Scotch, the author or NY Times Bestseller "Time of My Life" has been posting about what works and what doesn't in queries on her blog this week. Today's post was "what works." Here's the crazy part: she chose my query! Please hop on over to her place, read the queries, and tell her I sent you. I am humbled and honored that a writer like Allison finds my query so wonderful....


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful!!! :) Sounds like your fan base is beginning too. You must be quite proud.

And agents must be queuing. Let's hope!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Yay! Going right over to check it out now.

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Congrats, Debbie! Very well done!

Susan R. Mills said...

Wow! That is awesome. I'm hopping over to check it out!

Susan R. Mills said...

I had to stop back by after reading your query. It was great! Good for you.

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

That's so awesome! And it means you def. are GREAT!;) Okay now I'm off to go read and LEARN!;)

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Okay I read it, and I just have to say, YAY! I totally wanted to read your book after reading that query! And what a good example for those of us who are working on our queries!;) said...

To get a thumbs up and for her to say that you did it right, that says alot. Most queries head in the circular file after they read the first sentence. I'm excited for you because that recognition goes a long way.

Pen Pen said...

THAT'S HUGE!!!! Confirmation ur doing it BETTER than right!!!
Now- I'm gotta go read ur query so I can learn from u!!
Should I start calling you 'Query Furor'?!!

Mandy said...

That's awesome! See I told you that your "pupils" have much to learn from you! You've been teaching the class all along and just didn't know it, ;-) Congrats!
Be sure you advise her on the brilliance of Chelsea Handler too. LOL!

P.s. - when you are done signing autographs, stop by and see my makeover and my name change!

The Peach Tart said...

That was a fabulous query letter. I know you'll get a bite for the book soon. I'd certainly buy it when it's published.

Unknown said...


Paul Michael Murphy said...

Well done!

Kelly Polark said...

Debra, that is AWESOME!!!! I loved your query too!

Lynnette Labelle said...

Tres cool. I'll pop over there.

Lynnette Labelle

LifeisGreat said...

You are being honored by my first blog post anywhere! You continually amaze me with your positive following. I have no doubt that you will soon be a wildly commercially successful author! Can't wait to say I knew you when.

- your not prego or single sis -

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Loving the comments today! And to LifeisGreat: I'm beyond honored you joined the party for my sake. And, don't feel bad. Not being pregnant or single (or pregnant and single!) isn't everything.;-)

Little Ms Blogger said...

How awesome.

I'm hoping over there to check it out.

Stephanie Faris said...

YAY for you! I suck at writing queries so I need all the help I can get. Off to check it out.

Julie D said...

I'm here getting caught up on my blog reading. I've been a bad blog friend lately!!!

Melissa Amateis said...

How awesome!!!

Ray Veen said...

Oooo, nice. You're day is near, Mrs. Schubert.

Beth said...

Fantastic, Deb! So great that she highlighted you!

Stephanie said...

That's wonderful, Debbie and you are practically in my backyard...well close enough. I live in DE but was born and raised in Chester Co, PA.
I will definitely check out the query.
Good for you!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Thanks bunches to all who left comments, and to Allison Winn Scotch for being so awesome.

nsiyer said...

Amazing and Debrah, you too, are inching towards being a celebrity.

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