Saturday, August 1, 2009

Baby Bump Alert! (Bet You Didn't Even Know I Was Pregnant!)

MURDER ON SONGBIRD LANE is starting to kick. Small, barely noticeable tingles that feel like butterfly wings fluttering against my skin. 2,000 words in, I feel lost, unsure, incapable, and incredibly excited. This is a miracle - creation at its base level emerging into the physical world.

I said to my husband last night, "I'm in labor, honey, and it's going to be a long, drawn out delivery. Bet you didn't even know I was pregnant!" He laughed. He's used to living with a writer. "Yup," he said, "I'll support you however I can. I'll even cut the cord when it's time."

Ah, yes, cutting the cord. I just did that with MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE. It wasn't easy and it wasn't pretty. I didn't want to let go of my beautiful new baby, but, alas, it was time. I've sent it on its way, watching as it spreads its wings and makes its mark in the world (five partials and one full, so far - not bad for a newborn!).

So, to all you writers who are in the long, sometimes painful, and often thrilling birthing process, may you have the strength, endurance, and deep love to bring that baby to life.

And, you thought men couldn't give birth?

*This post was inspired by my beautiful sister, Michelle, who is weeks away from giving birth to her first baby (how cute is she?!), and by Sara Megibow at Nelson Literary Agency. You simply must read this post!

And, yup, the fat, little, nugget above is me!


Angie Ledbetter said...

Aww, congrats Mommy! (Let me know when the shower's scheduled and I'll send a gift.) :)

Ken Riches said...

One flew the nest and one getting ready to join the nest, you must be so proud :o)

Mandy said...

What if you are artifically inseminated? Hahaha, just kidding. I wish I had a "baby" that I was birthing. Just daily, whimsical thoughts about my life at the moment. Maybe inspiration will strike me soon. I can relate to the sadness of when my real-life human being left my body though. Two weeks after my Vivian was born, I honestly missed her being inside me (as weird as they may sound). I got so used to her movement, her kicking, that it just felt weird to have her screaming and crying in the crib next to me. Anyway, here's hoping all our birthing dreams come true....

Stephanie Faris said...

Recently as I've been grappling with never having had a child, I've come to realize how much creating a novel is like giving birth. I'm thinking my novels are going to have to be my babies... It's similar in many ways. You have to come up with names. You pour months of work into them. They're all special to you.

Beth said...

I hope you enjoy this one as much as the last!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, Gifts? I love gifts!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ken, I am so proud! But, I'm dreading the teenage years...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Mandy, It is weird being pregnant one minute, and not the next. Can't say I miss it, though. Glad I did it, and glad it's over!! Birthing novels is far less painful, plus you don't get nearly as fat.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Teresa, Glad you found me! Hope to see you back soon. And, speaking of beautiful babies, wow!;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Stephanie, It's true, novels are your babies. And thankfully, you don't have to have "the talk" with them...;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Beth, I'm working on it.;-)

Michelle D. Argyle said...

It's always fun to think of our novels this way because it certainly is all a labor of love. And we do seem to get attached!!! The only thing is that with a novel you can scrap it and start over. I can't quite do that with my 3 year old. She came out and she's stayin' that way!

Good luck! And congrats. :D

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Michelle, Nice new pic! You're right. My 90-day, money-back guarantee on my kids has long since expired. I'm stuck, I mean blessed, with them. My novels, on the other hand, better behave themselves or they'll be tossed out with the bath water.;-)

Lilly said...

Congrats Mums to be!! Bet you are proud and justly so. And what a cute baby you were - no surprises there though!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Lilly, I'm feeling no nausea and my weight is holding steady. And, yeah, it's been pretty much downhill in the looks department from the moment I was born. Oh well, at least I had my 15 minutes!

Glynis Peters said...

I think I have got to the point where I can't see my toes! Great post :)

Kathryn Magendie said...

What a post!

and yes, partials and fulls are good good good news! yay!

may you have hordes of others (haw_! I wanted to see if I could use 'hordes' in a sentence, too --teehee)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Glynis, If you can't see your toes, you're close to giving birth. Hang in there, and I'm glad you enjoyed the post.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kat, Nice use of the word 'hordes' - see, it's fun! Glad you liked the post. I'm sending out more queries as we speak...

Sandra Leigh said...

ROTFLMAO! Just this once, I'm glad I'm late to the party. This metaphor has taken on a life of its own. I can almost feel it kicking. Congratulations on your metaphorical pregnancy, Debra.

Unknown said...

I do enjoy the titles you've chosen, lends itself to a murder mystery series... maybe after you run out of street names, you can start naming manuscripts after your followers.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sandra, Thanks. I'm registered at Baby Gap.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Tracy, Love your idea. How about Murder at Wymer Lake?

Anita said...

I can't believe you're done with MURDER! You're an inspiration.

Congrats to your sis!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Anita, Thanks! MTC was so much fun to write. I'm hoping MSL will be as quick and inspiring. I'll pass along your congrats to my sister.;-)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Ah, always so nice when that baby is out. Me personally? I'm in like my 27th month with my second. I think I need forceps. You go, girl!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

MJ, Yeah, sometimes the second ones are a bit stubborn. Don't worry, paybacks are hell. When it comes out, you can ignore it or deny it chocolate. Two can play this game.;-)

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