Love this picture. Circles have no beginning and no end, as does much of life. Life is filled with cycles. Watching children grow and experience things we did, caring for our parents as they once cared for us, and birth to death to birth again... (in many Eastern faiths.) Life, in so many ways, comes full circle
Since I got such lovely comments on my lyrics in my last post, I figured I'd ride that egotistical wave a bit longer. The title to this post is from a song I wrote before most of you were probably born. (Seriously. I wrote it in 1980.) I actually co-wrote it with a dear friend whose name I won't mention (cough, Erich, cough). It's about finding love and reaching for your dreams. Funny how some things never change... Here are the lyrics:
Since I got such lovely comments on my lyrics in my last post, I figured I'd ride that egotistical wave a bit longer. The title to this post is from a song I wrote before most of you were probably born. (Seriously. I wrote it in 1980.) I actually co-wrote it with a dear friend whose name I won't mention (cough, Erich, cough). It's about finding love and reaching for your dreams. Funny how some things never change... Here are the lyrics:
Hear it Call
Dreaming dreams along the way
If you slow down you'll fall astray
Finding what you need in love
Knowing you'll soon rise above
Remnants of you fade away
Searching for the way to say
Loving is the only way
Let me in and let me stay
Learning all the secrets and knowing how to play the game...

I can feel it coming on
To turn your back on love is wrong
Don't let time command at all
Just make sure you hear it call
Forever is a long, long time
Don't let anger plague your mind
Passion is the key to see
You will find your way to me
Learning all the secrets and knowing how to play the game...
I can feel it coming on
To turn your back on love is wrong
Don't let time command at all
Just make sure you hear it call
What dreams have you left
in the dust because too much time has passed, you're too old, or you just don't "have it in you" anymore? What new dreams have you created for yourself? What goals are you currently pursuing?

Do you hear the clock ticking? If so, what do you make it mean? What is it you're waiting for?
By the way, I chose this particular watch for a reason. See that little key? We each have one. It's the key to open ourselves up to anything we choose to pursue. What does your key unlock?
I want to alert my writer friends of a wonderful new agency with a kick-ass logo. Upstart Crow consists of agents Michael Stearns, Chris Richman, and Danielle Chiotti. They're website is easy to navigate, and their blog is a breath of fresh air in its honesty and availability to writers. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
Do you hear the clock ticking? If so, what do you make it mean? What is it you're waiting for?
By the way, I chose this particular watch for a reason. See that little key? We each have one. It's the key to open ourselves up to anything we choose to pursue. What does your key unlock?
I want to alert my writer friends of a wonderful new agency with a kick-ass logo. Upstart Crow consists of agents Michael Stearns, Chris Richman, and Danielle Chiotti. They're website is easy to navigate, and their blog is a breath of fresh air in its honesty and availability to writers. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
I was actually alive and well in 1980, although I may not have been writing songs. I think I was in 7th grade so I was writing books. Some things never change :)
I like those lyrics. Did you ever write music to it? I'd love to hear it if you did...
Sherrie, Yes, I did. I don't have it recorded, however. One of these days I'll do some live recordings and make sure I include "Hear it Call" in the mix.;-)
Thanks as always for your referrals. I feel blessed to have found your blog.
Deborah, I feel the same. Namaste, my dear friend.
I LOVE that watch - I covet it - I want it - I adore it -- so interesting.
And I feel the same way about your words and your blog - except for the covet and want part - because of course they are all yours and ours and theirs *smiling*
I'll check out the link
Beautiful lyrics! Thanks for the PSA too!
Kat, I know, isn't it the coolest? If I find a real one somewhere I'll send it to you.;-)
Kelly, Glad you like the lyrics and enjoy the link!
Uh, I was waaay born before 1980! Love the lyrics! And I love UPSTART CROW--thanks for the intro to their site.
Anita, Doesn't it amaze you though how many full-fledged adults were born after that? Yikes!
Thanks for the alert! I'll check the agency out. Your lyrics were awesome again!
Susan, Glad you liked the lyrics.:-)
I like the post for August 19 - to remember the writing.
MJ, Glad you liked the 8/19 post.;-)
I did a post on my award!!!!!!
Sorry it took me so long! DAMN YOU-Computer cord!!! :)
Penny - Yay! You're back!!! I'll stop by tomorrow to make sure everything's back in order.;-)
Great lyrics. And great reminder to carpe diem!
Mystery Writing is Murder
Elizabeth, Thanks so much. And always the best to you, too.;-)
Debra, those lyrics are beautiful. I would love to hear you singing them!!
I'll check out the agency, too!
I just checked out the agency, their Writer's Toolbox is awesome!
Where do you get all this pictures?
I just wonder how long it takes to find them. There are really good and go well with the written content.
Keith H
Honey, I graduated from high school in 1980. LOL
Beautiful entry with much food for thought. Love the tiny little key, and yes, we all DO have one!
Wonderful lyrics! Hugs, Beth
Kelly, I'll have to give you a personal one-on-one concert someday. Glad you liked Upstart Crow's website. I wish all agents websites were that easy to navigate.;-)
Keith, I search Google for the pics I want. I love finding the "perfect" one like I did on my last post. Does that help? I hope so!
Beth, That's the same year my honey graduated! Glad you liked the lyrics. I promise not to bore anyone with more in my next post!
Matching the keys to the right locks is the challenge, but one definitely worth pursuing.;-)
That picture is beautiful and the meaning behind it even more so. I feel as though I should have that on my wall immediately.
I am working on a novel and it is a dream that I vow will no longer be put on the backburner of my life.
I love reading your posts.
Lola, Thank you. Knowing you love reading my posts makes my day. Write that novel, girlfriend!!
Oh, I love it! I love it! I love it!
There's an old saying:
"The best time to plant an oak tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
You're never too old, unless your dream is to be an Olympic champion or something. Even can still do what you love, you just might not necessarily be able to have a full career doing it.
Steph, I'm glad you love it!!!;-)
Steph, I LOVE that saying! Thanks for sharing it. There are great artists who weren't "found" until later in life. And I truly believe age is a state of mind.;-)
Karen, Good for you!!! Finding work that you love is vital to happiness. I love your spirit - it is so kind and encouraging. I'm glad you found me, too.;-)
BTW: You can hear some of our music at: (note my stage name: Jamie Keys)
Jennifer, So glad you found me! Hope to see you back often.;-)
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