Monday, July 13, 2009

Speeding Train, Broken Promises, Near-Death Experiences & Swinging

I promised myself I'd take a one to two week break after editing MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE before starting the follow-up, MURDER ON SONGBIRD LANE. I'm close to done with my edits on MTC, within a week I believe, so that should mean I'd get next week and possibly the week after that to enjoy life outside my bedroom, right? I mean, it is summer and I do have a pool in my backyard. I've also got a stack of books on my night stand I'd love to read at some point before my 90th birthday. Let me preface this next part by saying I'm SO not a morning person...

So, what did I do this morning at 5AM? I broke my promise. Yup. I got up and started writing MURDER ON SONGBIRD LANE. Just the first page, but still... As all of you writers know, once you've got that first page down, you're screwed. You're on a speeding train, and not AMTRAK, which means it won't be crashing or slowing down anytime soon. So much for my summer...

BTW: I got another request for a partial. YIPPEE!!!!

Did I mention we've got six cats PLUS a rabbit? No? Well, we do, and our little bunny, Butterscotch, had a massive tumor on her side. I won't go into the gory details, and yes, you should thank me for that. Suffice it to say, it was gory. The good news is the tumor was benign. The bad news is she had to have surgery.

Here she is hiding under a beach towel with her Howard Hughes toenails before surgery. She doesn't look too happy, does she? POOR BABY!!!

You'll be glad to know the surgery was a success, her nails are clipped, and she's got a whole new lease on life. In fact, she just signed up for tennis lessons. She's always had a crush on Andre Agassi, well before he shaved his hair, and it's just something she's always wanted to do. But you know how it is... Before you have that near-death experience, the motivation's often not there. I'll try and post some pics of her on the court in her tennis dress and racket. Until then, happy swinging! (Feel free to interpret that any way you wish.) ;-)


Angie Ledbetter said...

Congrats on the partial request and glad you're forging ahead on the writing. Rules are made to be broken. ;)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, What? I've never broken a rule in my life. Just ask my mom. Or my dad. Or my husband. Or my teachers. Or my (insert name of frustrated person in my life here).;-)

Anita said...

Good luck to Butterscotch and the lessons. Please post photos of her in tennis garb.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Anita, I'll pass along your good wishes. She's like a whole new bunny.;-)

Glynis Peters said...

Good luck on your train ride! Do get some air at some point ;0

Cute bunny and glad she is doing ok.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Glynis, Thanks! It's a good thing I've always loved trains. And, I'll pass your thoughts along to Butterscotch.;-)

WendyCinNYC said...

Aw, poor bunny. Glad she's okay.

Julie D said...

Not funny. You got me all excited with the swinging lead in.

The whole blog title sounded like my last date.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Wendy, Yeah, it was sad for a few days. Much better now.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, RE: Swinging - sorry to disappoint.

"The whole blog title sounded like my last date." Bwaahaa!!!!!

Unknown said...

What a title!! Creative and imaginative. Good thing Butterscotch is on the mend - she's adorable.

Congratulations on your partial request. I just got a request for three chapters and I'm crossing my fingers!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

CCD, Good for you! Is this your first request? Waiting is the hardest part, but at least you know you're in the game. Glad you like the title, btw. I couldn't make up my mind, so I used them all!!!

Travis Erwin said...

Three cheers for the partial request!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Travis, Amen to that, my friend!;-)

Beth said...

Aww, sweet bunny, HH toenails and all. Glad she's doing well!

Ken Riches said...

You got to do what you got to do. Good luck on the new book. Carrots and Lettuce to the bunny :o)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Beth, Thanks - we're grateful to the bunny gods.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ken, Thanks for the good wishes on the book. I sent out my first partial on it today! Butterscotch loves lettuce and carrots - you will be her favorite friend.

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Congrats on the request! And never feel bad about writing when the spirit moves you--God knows there will be those days and nights when you're staring at the screen wishing the friggin' thing would write itself.

Best of luck to you, Debbie! XOXO

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Linda, You're a honey. (Refer to your last blog post - hee hee!) Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know, you're right, but I've been so focused for so long now that I'm wondering if I'll ever climb out of the cave. Though, I have to admit, the view's not bad in here. Dark, but cozy. When are you coming back to Philly???;-)

Pen Pen said...

I'm SO emotional this evidenced by the fact that I almost just teared up about ur poor bunny!! He's TOO much cuteness!!!
AND- I hope I get to read ur book! I am a HUGE fan of the murder mystery! I was practically raised on Agatha Christie! And-U need to put up a video of your tunes!! I'm dying to hear them! :)
You're beyond fabuloso my faboosh friend!! :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

PenPen, Why are you so emotional? Hormones, maybe? If you'd be willing to read my full ms when I'm through editing, which I pray to Buddah, Allah, Jesus, and Chelsea Handler will be within the next few days, I'd be thrilled to send it to you. Let me know. Hugs, D ;-)

PS: Go to to hear a few of our songs. FYI: My stage name is Jamie Keys.

Kiersten White said...

Oh, those sneaky sequels...glad the bunny is back in business : ) Tell her to check out some of the new tennis players--much yummier than Andre.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kiersten, I'll pass that news along. She's always looking for hot tennis players. She's a naughty bunny...

Natalie Whipple said...

Hi, I'm here for my cookies and milk:) Also, I so know what you're saying about that first page. I'm avoiding a few of those right now, but I'm not sure how long I can. Gulp.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Natalie, Yay! You made it over! Hope you enjoy the cookies. Homemade chocolate chip - your favorite! (Or is that my favorite?) And, yes, those first pages come out of nowhere and attack!!!

Paul Michael Murphy said...

I love starting new stories. Finishing them? Not so much.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Paul, Ha! I think finishing them is fun, although that's when the REAL work begins...!

Natalie Whipple said...

Actually, those are by far my favorite cookies! you have great taste:)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Natalie, Like they say, great minds think (and eat!) alike.;-)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

"You're on a speeding train, and not AMTRAK, which means it won't be crashing or slowing down anytime soon."

I so need to get on that train. My current book is stalled at Midway. Also, I am so not a morning person either.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

MJ, Stick your thumb out and the train will stop for you. And, mornings are for babies.;-)

Cyndy Bush said...

Hooray for Butterscotch! I love rabbits, my favorite thing is to watch them groom themselves. Is there ANYTHING cuter? We have a large menagerie of pets in our home as well.

Amy said...

Congrats on the partial and a healthy bunny! And you can't fight inspiration, so go with it. You're doing what you're meant to do!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

DM, So glad you came by! Yeah, she's so cute when she's grooming herself. She just seems so much happier now. I know people who don't have pets thing that's crazy, but too bad for them! What kind of pets do you have?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Amy, Thanks for the good wishes. I'm in the zone, so why fight it? Also, I got another request for a partial - yay!!!

jdsanc said...

For the 25th time, what a life you lead! My dog had skin cancer a couple of years ago, and they went after it with a vengeance, took out a big chunk, but today she's happy as only a dog can be. Give bunny my best!

And way to go on the partial! So happy for you!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Judith, How are things??? I'm cranking along on MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE - making sure it's as perfect as possible. What are you working on?

koralee said...

wow...happy writing...but make sure you have a swim or two in that pool before Summer love love that sweet bunny..happy all turned out well for her!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Koralee, Thanks, and yeah, Butterscotch is SOOOO sweet!! I promise to swim at least once this summer...;-)

Debbie said...

Rules, shmules. Do what makes you happy!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Debbie, Ah, the story of my life!!!

nsiyer said...

Just do it. Analysis leads to paralysis.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

nsiyer, Hah! Love it! That's one I'm going to remember. You're always upping my game. The universe has definitely sent you to remind me I can do better.;-)

Stephanie Faris said...

Writers seem to be more cat people than dog people. I have a dog myself. I guess cats are quieter and less distracting?

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