Sunday, January 31, 2010

SUBLIMINAL MONDAY! Vlog Virgin No More & Stevie Nicks

It's true, I've been de-vlowered and, I'm happy to report, it wasn't as painful as people say. If you've not yet viewed my first vlog EVAH, it's the post just before this one. Be sure not to miss it. It's short and sweet and you will thoroughly enjoy it. [It's nearly seven agonizing minutes long. You. Will. Be. Bored. To. Tears.]

Actually, it was much more fun and easy than I thought. [Being a film star is not all paparazzi and Vera Wang gowns. It's hard work, people, hard work!]

I did forget one vitally important ingredient for all writers - an undeniable "must-have," and this was picked up on by a few of my astute readers [You guys don't let me get away with anything, do you? Sheesh!] CHOCOLATE! I know, this should go without saying, but since I stole seven precious minutes of your life discussing all things writerly, it was indeed a horrifying faux pas that I left out the key ingredient to good writing. [Will eat more chocolate today to make up for this unforgivable oversight. There, I feel better already!]

I'm happy to report, I'm almost halfway through the edits for my YA novel. [No one cares.] I've shaved off over 20 pages of brilliant prose [filler] and, let me just say, "Wow! That's one tough lion to tame!" [I'm fairly certain a second grader could do it blindfolded and on a gummy bear high.] I'm so excited to see the novel tightening up, not unlike a sponge being squeezed of excess water.

See, folks? It's comparisons like that which distinguish the gifted writers from the run-of-the-mill-Joe-Six-Packs.
[That sponge thing was without a doubt, the single dumbest metaphor in the history of the written word.]

When I was young, I thought for sure I'd win a Grammy one day. I would have bet my life on it. I even drew a picture of myself accepting the Grammy for Best New Act of 1986. I had on a long, sparkly gown and my hair and make-up were perfect. [The hair and make-up should have tipped me off it was a dream that could never be reached.]

Last night I watched parts of the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards. Given how bad it was, I think I deserve my own Grammy just for watching. This tweet from someone last night sums it up:

"The Grammy Awards Executive Producer is Ashton Kutcher and you've just been punk'd!"

I saw dancers dressed in practically nothing, and heard alot of "music." [How many ways are there to say, "mediocre?"] Where have all the normal bands gone? You know, the ones who could get up on stage with no one but their fellow band-mates and make incredibly great music? [OMG, it's finally happened. I've become my mother.]

For me, the highlight of night was seeing Stevie Nicks on stage with Taylor Swift. [Taylor, you're lovely, but no one compares to Ms. Nicks.]

I'm so excited about this, I can hardly stand it. Are you ready? You sure? Okay, here goes. [Breathe in, breathe out, repeat.] I am going to meet Awesome Agent in person in NYC in less than two weeks! SQUEEEE!!!! [The minute she sees me, she'll realize she's made a terrible mistake and run for the hills, or the top of the Empire State Building, which in NYC is a more viable option.] We will discuss, at length, our plans for taking over the world. Then we'll share a yummy dinner and she'll smack me around to keep me on track with my editing schedule. [I hate pain.]

I'll take pics and maybe even do a VLOG. I'm so excited I'm afraid I won't be able to eat for the next 10 days! ["No better thing could happen." Signed, Your Waistline.]

Okay, folks this concludes another AMAZING [Not!] edition of SUBLIMINAL MONDAY. Don't forget to view my fascinating [sleep-inducing] First Vlog EVAH below. I promise you won't be disappointed! [Um, yeah, you will.]


Aidan Donnelley Rowley @ Ivy League Insecurities said...

Love your first Vlog Evah and not only for the selfish reasons :) We must meet up when you are here meeting your agent. And congrats on the edits!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Aidan, I could come in earlier for lunch or a late afternoon meet-up. Email me and we'll talk. ;-))

Nathan Carriker said...

I thought Monday would never get here [wasn't even going to bother till you said "Stevie Nicks" - the heterosexual male's analog to chocolate - all the pleasure and way less fattening. That was a cheap ploy, btw...]

If I'd known that an actual musician was going to appear, I might have watched the Grammys for the first time EVAH. [Right after monkeys fly out of Mick Fleetwood's...]

Can't wait to hear about your trip over the rainbow to the Emerald City ["Why, oh, why can't I?"]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Nate, Stevie's my idol, always has been. She taught me how to sing. I love her to pieces.

[Check out my myspace at - note stage name: Jamie Keys]

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie said...

You do deserve an award for watching the Grammys. I've seen some of the photos and I couldn't help thinking that a little class might go a long way. :)

Congrats on getting to meet your beloved agent!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, The Grammys were tedious for sure. And, I'm so psyched to meet BBB!

Regina Quentin said...

May I say, your posts are hilarious. the details (and the laughs) are in your awesome little asides that you included. I'm about to go watch this vlog post that you did. I was considering starting the whole vlogging thing every so often, so I need to learn...

Elspeth Futcher said...

I watched little bits of the Grammys, enough for me to shake my head and say "wow, I'm getting old". That was depressing. I will never understand the fuss over Lady Gaga. Never.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Regina, So glad you enjoy my SM posts. [Whenever I write "SM" I have this strange desire to wear leather.] Hope you enjoy the vlog, too. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elspeth, I'm with you. Take out the Hollywood theatrics, and what's left? Music? I'm not so sure. [Lady Gaga's outfits make me gagagag.]

Stacia Kelly said...

See, and I knew there was a reason I skipped (fell asleep) the Grammy's this year. Actually, come to think of it, I skip it most years. Too depressing (kidding, no, maybe, really not). Agree with you on the music. Nick's made me turn it off before for that alone. But, Ms. Nick's might have made us watch if we'd known.

As always, LOVE your Monday posts :)

Voidwalker said...

Funny as always. I'll need to watch the Vlog after work, when I can listen to it. I could watch you on my work computer, but then I'd be reduced to trying to lip read in the silence of my gimped computer.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Stacia, I had no idea Stevie was going to be on. My jaw nearly hit the ground when I saw her walk out. [If only Taylor would have left the stage and let the true magic unfold.]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

VW, Glad you enjoyed it, and good idea to wait until you get home to listen. I was raised in NY and I talk fast. ;-)

Kimberly Franklin said...

Another fabulous Subliminal Monday. So when are you going to start vlogging your subliminal Monday?? LOL. Now that would be funny. : )

[chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!]

; )

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kimberly, Glad you love the SM. At some point, I might try vlogging one. Great idea! [Good god, now I've got one more goal to reach. Need more chocolate.]

Kimberly Franklin said...

Chocolate is on it's way!!! ; )

Carol Benedict said...

I didn't watch the Grammys but I did watch your vlog. Your office is lovely. I have a desk similar to yours, so I'm hoping that's the key to success.

Have a great visit with the awesome agent.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Carole, I'm thinking my vlog was possibly more entertaining than the Grammys this year. [Anyone who watched both would disagree.] And, yes, the key to success is a "proper" office, so you're well on your way. [It's perfect for napping.]

nsiyer said...

Really great, Debrah. I enjoyed the first Vlog Evah. You really write well. Be in touch.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

nsiyer, You are always such a kind, calming presence. Thank you for believing in me. It means a lot. [You rock!]

* said...

Congrats on your editing, even if my own little 2nd grade daughter could do the job, eh? And she wouldn't be past a gummie bear bribe!

PS: Enjoy your NYC agent meet up! Will you have time to visit the NY Public Library? I love that place!

Pen Pen said...

Did my long comment on this post go thru?! The computer said 'Error'...If it didn't go thru, I'm gonna be HELLA pissed! Incredible Hulk Pissed!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Terresa, Yes, your 2nd grader could do what I do. I mean, everyone can write, right? [It's a tough job. Writers, like headaches, are SO under-appreciated.]

Doubt I'll see anything other than Awesome Agent for dinner. Taking the train in and out for a quick visit. [Am psyched!!!!}

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

PenPen, Um, Penny? Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. I, um, don't see your long comment. [Yikes! Sorry! And I'm dying to know what it said!!!]

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Loved your vlog! And I love Stevie Nicks, too. :)

Mystery Writing is Murder

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elizabeth, So glad you liked the vlog, and isn't Stevie the best? [Yes, she is. No doubt about it.]

Jemi Fraser said...

I love subliminal Monday - and we do care how your edits are going!!

I've left you an award on my blog if you have time to check it out :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, I'm glad you love SM, and thank you so much for the blog bling! I'm verklempt. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow I haven't sat thru the grammies for a while - I heard this year there was something ga ga about it!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Michelle, Oh, yeah, there was GaGa alright - she got set on fire. And Pink decided to "dress" as close to buck nekid as is humanly possible. Quite the spectacle! [Can anyone just sing a song anymore?]

Ruthanne Reid said...

And here is where I can only hope I'll be in NYC in a couple of weeks. I DO have family there, and should probably visit. ~_^

WendyCinNYC said...

I hope I didn't hear you hating on my Gaga just now.

Have fun meeting your agent! Awesome.

jmartinlibrary said...

I look forward to subliminal mondays [I look forward to wasting fifteen minutes slacking off] so much. Your posts entertain [make me laugh so hard I spit my chai all over the screen] and inform [tell it like it is or should be]. When can I buy your book [bow before you, Queen of snarky goodness]?


kanishk said...

I could come in earlier for lunch or a late afternoon meet-up. Email me and we'll talk

Work from home India

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