4) My oldest is going on a three-week tour with his band this summer.
5) My baby starts college this year. OMG, did I just say MY BABY STARTS COLLEGE this year? Holy Time Warp, Batman!
6) I will write (at least) two more novels before the clock strikes 2011.
7) We're planning a family cruise to celebrate a couple of, shall we say, "big" birthdays...
6) I will write (at least) two more novels before the clock strikes 2011.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about... Major freaking dreams coming true!
I'm warning you, 2010. I'm on to you. Yeah, you heard me. I'm not afraid of you and your "I'm all that-ness."
QUESTION: What are you taking on in 2010? Don't be afraid to step up to the plate and tell 2010 right to it's face. It can handle it. It's done nothing but eat killer brownies and soak in awesome for the last couple of days.
I'm warning you, 2010. I'm on to you. Yeah, you heard me. I'm not afraid of you and your "I'm all that-ness."
QUESTION: What are you taking on in 2010? Don't be afraid to step up to the plate and tell 2010 right to it's face. It can handle it. It's done nothing but eat killer brownies and soak in awesome for the last couple of days.
No doubt about it. 2010 is definitely up for the challenge.
All new in 2010: Subliminal Monday! [Be there or you're a nanny-nanny, boo-boo.]
Wow - 2010! Still sounds so exciting!
I'm hoping to finish up a couple of projects - put some shine on them. Then take a deep breath and start some serious querying. Scary but exciting stuff :)
Jemi, Good for you! Go for it. And do what Victoria Schwab did before she got an agent: call "rejections" "munchkins." Gosh darn it, just got another munchkin! Ah, it's okay. They're kinda cute and cuddly! ;-)
You have an awesome blog. If I'm repeating myself, it's because swiss cheese has taken over my brain.
2010 sounds exciting!
2010 better watch out - My money's on you!
Laura, Why, thank you! And, damn that Swiss cheese! Happy 2010 to you. ;-)
Alan, Wow, I wouldn't have pegged you as a betting man, but it's nice to know you've got your money on the right horse (so to speak!!!).
2101 is going to be huge for you! Congrats on the upcoming awesomeness.
For me... get my WIP through one last round of edits and then off to my agent. Complete current WIP --am at 27,000 words--. Keep my family well fed and happy.
Bethany, I think it's going to be huge for the world. I know that sounds a bit "woo-woo," but it's time the big Ship Earth shifted course and headed towards calmer and more beautiful waters.
Bring it on, baby, bring it on.
I am going to write like there's no tomorrow.
Congrats to you on your agent and new book. Please sprinkle some of that wonderfulness over the rest of us?
JW, Just like the powdered sugar on the brownies, I'm sprinkling wonderfulness on you! Best of everything in 2010 - MAKE IT HAPPEN!
What a fun post! Love your attitude, and your plans. Woo for brownies from the oven!
What a year for your family! We're BOTH going to sell a novel this year. I know it.
TerryLynn, Thank you! I'm all about the brownies, baby. ;-)
Caroline, From your lips to the woman upstairs' ears!!!
I am going to get fit...weight and working out!!!
Love the "munchkins"! I plan to GET an agent this year, and then sell the book. Good luck to all of us, and Happy New Year!
Gayle, Good for you! Like the old Geritol commercial said, "If you've got your health, you've got just about everything." Nothing could be truer. Best of luck, and if you need some encouragement, stop by and I'll cheer you on. ;-)
Meghan, I wish I would have known about the munchkins while I was querying - no doubt I could have saved myself some grief!
And, good for you for planning on getting an agent rather than "hoping" for it to happen. You make your own reality, plain and simple. Go for it!
I love that you always seem upbeat. You give positive energy to the rest of us that look to you, hoping to follow in your footsteps. Oh, and I love the "munchkin" thing. I'm sure that will bring an unexpected smile, when I start querying.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I can also be found on twitter.
Oh, Debbie, I'm almost afraid to jinx myself, but 2010 is going to be an awesome year. My challenge this year is to launch my one-woman show, "Aging Nymph! Adventures of a Vegas Granny," which will based on my stand-up material and bits and pieces of my book, Bastard Husband: A Love Story.
The thought of it scares the crap out of me, but that's exactly what we have to do sometimes--get out of the comfort zone and scare the crap out of ourselves.
Happy New Year, girlfriend! Fabulous things lie ahead.
Let me at the outset, wish you A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, Debra. May all your well thought out plans come true, not only for you but for your near and dear ones. I can see the oozing confidence to take on 2010 and I am inspired. Though I am still with a knee injury, by the time 2010 ends I should too run atleast some marathon. Thanks and all the best.
Michaele, Why not be positive? Life is short, exciting, and filled with possibilities. Get out there and chase your dreams... ;-)
Linda, "get out of the comfort zone and scare the crap out of ourselves." BINGO! I admire your attitude and your talent. I know your new show will be a great success, and I can't wait to hear more about it!
nsiyer, I'm so sorry about your injury. Things like that can slow you down (if you let them!), but I have faith that your intense insights and desire to change the world for the better will continue to shine through. All best to you, my friend, all best. ;-)
Good luck with your 2010 dreams! And good for your hubs--a marathon is a huge deal!
Wendy, Thanks and good luck to you as well! And yes, a marathon is a huge big deal. I couldn't run one mile if my life depended on it never mind 26.2! As Sarah Silverman would say, "It's beyond!" ;-)
Career. I'm going to create the right career for me...and I'm going to finish that half finished novel I've not touched in a year.
Your book will be published for sure Debbie! I can feel it! We'll throw a twitter party for you as soon as you get a contract at #WWDebra&Bernadette. The WW stands for Wonder Women.
My goals for 2010 are to get an agent, finish the sequel to Eternal Starling and the the other two books I'm working on, and help other writers as much as I can.
Love love love your enthusiasm and gumption. Love. I have zero doubt in my mind that 2010 will be sparkly and stunning year for you. Can't wait to watch it unfold. 2010 for me? Hoping for amazing stories, book sales, and big smiles. It's going to be a good one.
So thrilled to be back here ingesting your words and wit. Happy New Year, my friend!
Suzanne, Good for you! Finishing the novel will be immensely satisfying.l I believe 2010 is going to be a life-changing year for many. Good luck w/your career search. ;-)
Angela, I love the idea of a Twitter party at #WWDebra&Bernadette - I'll be there w/my party hat on!
I know you'll get an agent this year, and I'm so excited to find out who it is. You better promise I'll be one of the first to know!
Aidan, You are so sweet and one of the true highlights of the www. You are a gifted writer and I'm proud to "know" you. I hope we'll meet in person in 2010. Let's make it happen!
Oh, you'll be one of the first to know for sure! If you get a phone call with only hyperventilating on the other end, it will *probably* be me. :)
The munchkin tactic works, I swear!!
Victoria, God how I wish I knew about that when the rejections were pouring in!!!! ;-)
Then take a deep breath and start some serious querying. Scary but exciting stuff :)
Work from home India
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