This post told me it feels like the comedian who has to go on stage following Jerry Seinfeld - not a good position to be in.
In all seriousness, the comments and well wishes from my agent-announcing post blew my mind. I am so lucky to be a part of such an amazing writing community. I must have done something right in a past life to have the privilege of "hanging out" with you in this one. I am blessed in so many ways, and am deeply thankful for your support.
Here's a shortlist of things I'm most thankful for:
* Family
* Friends (in person and virtual)
* Health
* Talents
* My awesome new agent (*squee*!!!)
* Living in Americ
* Beautiful home & food on the table
* My kids are not serial killers (at least, not that I know of, and where teenagers are concerned, I adhere to the motto "ignorance is bliss")
Again, this is a very short list. I mean, I didn't even mention my new rocking knee-high black boots or my monthly manis and pedis. (Please don't ask where they'd fall on the list! I'm not a very good liar.)
What are you thankful for this season?
I arrived in Denver with my honey last night. I got to see my breathtakingly beautiful 10-week-old niece, Devyn, and many family members as well. Sadly, I didn't get to hold her in my arms and shower her with kisses since I've got an annoying cold, but I did a whole lot of staring. Here are a couple of pics of my honey holding her. Jealous? Who me?
I'll be kicking back and enjoying this week of Thanksgiving by hanging out with family and friends, eating lots of great food, and watching football. I'm excited to see my BFF Julie, since she'll also be out visiting family.
Next week, I'll get back into my regular blogging mode. Stay tuned for things like what it's like to receive your first Editorial Notes and Contract in the mail from your shiny new agent, how scary/awesome it is to have real deadlines, and how amazing it feels to (finally!) hold your precious niece in your arms.
Thanks, folks. I'll be appearing here every Thursday night right after Jerry. And remember, the more you drink, the funnier I sound! (ba-dop-bum!)
It's always a good idea to reflect on what we have, not just what we want :)
Your niece is just gorgeous!!
I'm looking forward to your posts the contract etc - if you don't mind I'm going to live vicariously through you for a bit :)
Cute niece!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Mystery Writing is Murder
Nice list!
I try to remind myself how blessed I am every day. I may not understand life, but I'm glad I'm living it!
Jemi, Reflecting on what we have is key. We already have much more than we'll ever need. Thanks for your compliment of my beautiful niece! And, sure - live vicariously through me. I'm happy to be of service. ;-)
Elizabeth, She's a little sweetheart. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Steph, "I may not understand life, but I'm glad I'm living it!" Great line. How true!
Thanks for the thoughtful list. Great reminders of how much there is to be thankful for!
What an inspiration you are to this writer still expecting to get an agent--any day now! Big congrats!
Paul, There is always so much to be thankful for! Glad you enjoyed the list. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with joy, laughter, hugs, and good health. ;-)
Sylvia, I'm happy to be an inspiration, and you're right..."any day now!!"
I get to see you soon. I get to see you soon! And even better, I get to see my new mini BFF soon (sorry, but newly agented or not, Devyn is much cuter than you!) :) Thankfully, I know you agree. And I hope you feel better so you can hug her up!
Julie, I get to see you soon, I get to see you soon, I get to see you soon. Mini BFF is awaiting Auntie Julie's kisses. ;-)
What a precious, adorable baby!
Enjoy your week with family!!
Thank you for the list. And should thank you for knowing your blog. Pl. come over to my blog sometime.
Kelly, Thanks! She really is a little doll. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. ;-)
nsiyer, You're most welcome. I'll stop by again soon. Peace to you, my friend. ;-)
I am thankful for the items on your list, except I don't have an agent - yet. But I am thankful that I might be thankful someday for an agent!!!
Your niece is so sweet that I started to kiss her and realized it was a computer screen and then refrained.
Nice blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
How funny--I just blogged about comedians as well. We are on the same wavelength. I'm thankful for most of the same things on your list, especially my family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Cute kiddo!
Enjoy your holiday with family.
JW, "Your niece is so sweet that I started to kiss her and realized it was a computer screen and then refrained." As long as no one was watching, your golden. Thanks for stopping by - hope to see you again soon. ;-)
Wendy, It doesn't surprise me in the least that you and I are on the same wavelength. What's that saying "warped minds think alike?" Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. ;-)
PT, Same to you!!
Karen, I'm so glad you've got a wonderful life in NM! And, yes, I'd have to agree - my husband and niece are gorgeous. ;-)
While I strictly adhere to a policy of "babies just aren't cute to me," I would like to state that the baby in that picture didn't send me screaming toward the hills :)
Good job again on the new agent thing and we are rooting for ya! Have a great Thanx-giving too!
VW, I'll tell my sister her daughter's not a complete freak. I'm sure she'll be pleased.
And, thanks, again, for your congrats - means a lot. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Sounds like you're going to have the perfect Thanksgiving week ... have a blessed one! :-)
Ack! I've been gone so long, I missed the agent announcement! CONGRATULATIONS! That's sooo awesome! You deserve it!
And gorgeous niece too!
So thrilled for you! Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving!
Kelly, Thanks so much, and same to you. ;-)
Jenni, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? You've totally been on my mind lately! It's so great to "see" you again! Thanks for your congrats and, yes, my niece is a beauty. ;-)))
Mandy, Thanks so much! Hope your first Thanksgiving in FL is wonderful. ;-)
Can't wait to hear all the juicy details about life with a shiny new agent! I'll use those bits to make my own daydreams more realistic.
Happy T-Day, Debra. Enjoy your family and stay warm and safe.
Christina, I'll be back to my regular scheduled programming after T-Day. Hope yours is awesome. ;-)
FL, Same to you, my friend. Make it a beautiful holiday.
I just want to thank, or blame, you depending on your outlook, for making me have a dream about Jerry Seinfeld LOL. I had the most odd dream, that I can only imagine came from that goofy picture on this post! :P
In the dream, Jerry and I were sitting together in a church waiting for a communion cup of Nacho Cheese to be passed to us. He was being loud and drawing a lot of attention to us, where I was very embaressed haha... soooooo odd.
VW, Wow. That's quite a dream!! Happy to "help"...!!! Happy Thanksgiving, btw. (Hope you don't dream of a turkey doing something weird tonight.)
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