Bawk, Bawk! So, I chickened out. I'd been recruited by a friend to join her in the month long writing fest which is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. The idea is to start from scratch with a new book idea and write 50,000 words between November 1st and 30th. It's all about quality, not quantity, though any self-respecting writer is going to be thinking quality with every word he or she writes.
According to the website, "If you write 50,000 words of fiction by midnight, local time, November 30th, you can upload your novel for official verification, and be added to our hallowed Winner’s Page and receive a handsome winner’s certificate and web badge. We'll post step-by-step instructions on how to scramble and upload your novel starting in mid-November." They also say, "Win or lose, you rock for even trying." I so totally don't rock.
According to the website, "If you write 50,000 words of fiction by midnight, local time, November 30th, you can upload your novel for official verification, and be added to our hallowed Winner’s Page and receive a handsome winner’s certificate and web badge. We'll post step-by-step instructions on how to scramble and upload your novel starting in mid-November." They also say, "Win or lose, you rock for even trying." I so totally don't rock.
To all my nanowrimo friends out there, you guys rock!
The reason I opted out is because I'm currently at 55,000 words on my YA wip THE SECRET KEEPER - somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 words away from completion. I can taste the ending, and it reminds me of chocolate fudge ice cream cake - yeah, baby, I'm thinking it might be that good. (I love this picture so much! I'd love to see something similar on the cover of the book.)
Of course, it's a first draft, which looks like a skeleton compared to the final draft, which looks more like Ashton Kutcher with his shirt partially unbuttoned giving me "that look." (Is it getting warm in here?)
I don't know if I mentioned this, but an agent has asked to see TSK in FIRST draft format. This is beyond frightening, since it takes a whole lot of vision to "see" the ms for what it "can" and hopefully "will" be. I have faith in this agent, though, and am hoping their vision will be similar to mine, if not a thousand times better.
Phillies: WTF???? My cat Zoro is not a happy camper.
If an agent has asked to see your first draft, then they’ve seen something they don’t want other agents to even get a chance to see! You're way ahead of the curve.
Good luck with TSK.
We might be the only ones NOT doing NaNo! But right now, I think we have to focus on the balls that I'm tossing in the air so that I don't drop any! I'm juggling a lot right now, and it sounds like you are too! Good luck!
That's great news with the agent. Keep us posted. I believe in you.
AM, From your lips to Buddha's ears!!!!
Jody, It's good to know there's someone I can "talk" to this month! Good luck with the balls you're juggling. I know you'll put all the pieces perfectly in place. I'm having fun with my wip. It's exciting seeing it come together. ;-)
Deborah, You're a gem, and your support means the world. Virtual hugs to you!
Phillies? Well yeah, they would be your team. Yankees aren't pulling punches (mine). Then again I wasn't happy with the first game.
As for NaNoWriMo...not a chance. I have all I can do to keep up with the current writing. Let alone a online track keeper. (Hugs)Indigo
Indigo, Truth be told, I'm rooting for the Phillies but they're not really "my" team. I'm a Mets and Rockies fan, so I'm rooting for the National League. However, after last night, I may root for the Yankees tonight.
I'm another person doing the chicken dance. I admire everyone in the NaNo race, but I think I'm better off on the sidelines.
If I were you, I'd be rejoicing in your situation. An agent wants to see your first draft? You obviously rock.
I'm also not doing NaNo. Working on revisions with one WIP, and a little editing on another before it goes out on submission.
And, an agent wanting to see your first draft. That's exciting!
I'm not doing nano either...I'm revising. (Bawk! Bawk!)
Yay on the request to see your first draft from the agent!!!
Yeah, I'm not doing NaNo, either. And my husband (the Philly native) feels your World Series pain!
Elspeth, Maybe we could start a chicken dance line, like they do at weddings! And we don't know what said agent will think about the first draft... (Deep breath.) If it's meant to be, it will be. ;-)
Paul, I would imagine sending your work out on submission is a pretty stomach-churning time. Best of luck to you, and thanks so much for your kind words. Keeping fingers crossed... ;-)
Kelly, Wow! I thought everyone was doing Nano, but I guess I was wrong. Good luck with your edits!! ;-)
Wendy, Do you have a second book out on submission? And give your honey a hug for me. Last night was painful.
55000 words - that's something Debrah.You are just too good that you handle life well and its routine and find the time to take up other challenges. good luck and all the best.
Sorry I was out of circulation for sometime and will be writing shortly.
nsiyer, I'm glad you're back! I missed you and am looking forward to your new posts. Your writing is filled with valuable insights like precious jewels. ;-)
Good luck with THE SECRET KEEPER. A lot of people are holding off from NaNo to finish up on other projects. I think I maybe should have done the same, but I've committed to what I'm doing now so we'll see.
Best of luck with this agent...
Karen, You're way too kind. I'm glad some of us "cool" folks are not doing NaNo. I'd hate to be the only one!!
Regina, I take it that means you're doing NaNo. If so, best of luck! It's a lot to take on, especially with Thanksgiving in there. I admire anyone who gives it a shot. Let me know how it goes for you. ;-)
I am so totally not rocking with ya, lady. All good vibes out for that agent situation. :)
Aye, I'm not either. I'm too busy working on a novel too to be doing NaNoWriMo.
Great post. Wonderful news about the agent. Good luck!
I'm not doing NaNoWriMo either. Perhaps we can all 'totally not rock together' :)
Jenni, Yay! Let's not rock out together! And thanks for your good agent wishes...
Bill, I love The Simpson's avatar look you've got going. Quite becoming. ;-))
QF, Awesome. Let's kick up some not rocking dust together. Thanks for the RT btw!!
Add me to the NOT doing NaNo list. :)
And yeah, last night's baseball game was depressing to say the least.
I think you've made the right choice, Debra - you have a lot of irons in the fire already (it's been a busy day - couldn't avoid the cliche).
I didn't realize the agent wants the 1st draft. That's equally thrilling and terrifying!! Good luck with it :)
Congrats on being so very close to done! That's awesome. I'm using Nano for motivation to work on already-in-progress WIPs. Cheater, I am, but I don't care!
Jennifer, Yaynonano! And go Phillies????
Jemi, Love those cliches. And, only one agent has asked for the first draft, but I'm pretty excited/nervous about it. I mean, the story's practically naked!!
Lisa, Good for you! As long as it helps you achieve your writing goals, that's all that matters. ;-)
Anytime I've opted out, it has been for the same reason you mentioned. It's not always easy for me to start at page 1 on November 1st. This year I took the last two weeks of October off so I wouldn't be in the middle of something when NaNoWriMo started.
I'm not rocking, either. :) I always lurk at NaNo, feed off the creativity there, then work on the WIP I've already started.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Stephanie, So you're doing NaNo? I'd love to know how it goes. Also, CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to hear more about your good news! ;-)
Elizabeth, I'm with you. I'm all about lurking! I'm so close to finishing the YA novel I'm working on, that I couldn't even consider it. That's my excuse this year. ;-)
Debra, if I were 55,000 words into a novel, I wouldn't be doing NaNo either. Congratulations on the agent request. Back to work I go.
Sandra, I'm assuming that means you ROCK!!!!
Lovely post ...wonderful news about agent...nice..
I chose not to try NaNo as I am focusing on Ripper My Love (shared a bit on my blog).
I admire those who do take up the challenge.
Wonderful news for you and the agent, good luck and Happy Scribbling.
Glynis, I just popped over to your blog and read what you've posted. Brilliant. Seriously, I loved it! Best of luck to you, my friend. ;-)
That's great news! Good luck, madame! Lovely pictures as well <3
said, Thank you, my dear. And glad you liked the pics. (Um, Ashton Kutcher, shirt unbuttoned? I deserve major credit for that one!)
I'm NaNo-ing and finding it difficult. I figured writing about characters I'd worked with before would come naturally. I'm finding I have nothing left to say!
By the way, I got the agent. :) Sounds like you're really close, too!
Caroline, That's GREAT news!!! I can't wait to hear who the lucky agent is. ;-)))
Not to worry. The timing wasn't right for you, that's all. Finish you YA and you'll feel better!
Michelle, I honestly don't know if I would have done it anyway, but wanting to finish my YA ms was a good reason not to try. If you're in the game, best of luck to you!!
You've written four novels in one year. I think you're beyond NaNo. You already rock!
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