Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ - Artist, Performer, and Songwriter Extraordinaire

I don't normally do this, but it's not every day we lose a musical icon. I'm linking to my short tribute to Michael Jackson in the Philadelphia Examiner. Enjoy and do yourself a favor - listen to a little Michael this weekend.

Chuck and I are heading "down the shore" for some R&R at a B&B to celebrate our anniversary. I'll report back on at least some of our weekend's activities on Monday.;-)


writtenwyrdd said...

Have a nice weekend!

And, sadly, we have lost several entertainment icons this past few weeks, Carradine, Fawcett, Jackson...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

WW, True, and Ed McMahon as well. When it rains it pours...

Julie D said...

I prefer to think of MJ in the early to mid 80's before he turned into a walking freak show.

But yes, he and Farrah...icons of their generations.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, I'm with you, but he was a big part of my childhood, so I'll always have a special place for him in my heart. What happened to him as an adult is a mystery, and will remain that way now. I wasn't surprised to hear the news yesterday. As Chelsea Handler would say, he was a big, fat mess. That doesn't, however, eliminate his enormous talent and musical contribution to our culture.

And Farah was an extraordinary actress. Did you ever see "The Burning Bed?"

Kelly Polark said...

I had Michael's poster on my wall and would watch Mtv all day just so I could watch Thriller and mimic the dance moves. He was one of the greatest entertainers ever. I do have mixed feelings due to his personal life and accusations against him. It is sad that he thought he had to change himself so much with plastic surgery (he was so much more handsome with no surgery), and if the accusations are true, that is just plain sick, but we just don't know the truth.
But he is an icon and a musical genius. I will be playing some MJ this weekend.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, I agree 100% with everything you said. Click on my post and watch the video. That's the Michael I fell in love with.;-)

Unknown said...

It sunk in this morning as I was heading to work and hearing one of his songs. He's gone. He was a huge part of my growing up years. I would prefer not to think of the negative points about him right now but the musical genius that he really was.

Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Anita said...

I've been singing MJ all are actually liking it.

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

I felt a sense of sadness yesterday first hearing about Farrah and then later about Michael.
Do hope you have a super week-end and cant wait to here all about it...well the parts you are willing to share that is (smile)

Beth said...

Happy upcoming anniversary! Enjoy, and we'll look forward to hearing about it. Not ALL about it, of course. :D

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

CCD, Yeah, I felt the same way. I was OK yesterday but sad today. What a genius. I watch videos of him as a kid and am completely blown away. I'll always have him to thank for being one of the biggest and earliest musical influences in my life.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Anita, His music is amazing. Your kids are smart to like it, especially with their beautiful mom singing to them!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Dena, It is sad. We just have to be grateful we've had brilliant artists like Farrah and Michael to share their talents with us. What an everlasting treat.

And, we're at the beach and LOVING it!!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Beth, Thanks for the anniversary wishes. We're having a great time, that's all I'll say...

Ray Veen said...

I'm probably a jerk because I feel nothing.

Enjoy your weekend, buddy. (And we CAN take whatever you choose to share.)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ray, You're not a jerk. I think a lot of people feel nothing, and that's perfectly OK. All you need to feel is great love for your family, which you, my friend, do better than most.;-)

Angie Ledbetter said...

Have a great time at ye ole B&B, Schube!

Anita said...

Well, the real MJ talent is my sister, a nurse who is known at the local hospital for the way she moonwalks down the corridors.

Debbie said...

I spent so many happy hours listening to his albums and then watching his videos. He was a talent.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, Thanks - we're doing just that!

Anita, Moonwalking at the hospital. Love it!!

Debbie, I'm with you. As a kid, I had many of the J5's 45's, and made up my own choreography. I was sure Michael was going to come to Long Island, sweep me off my feet, and we'd live happily ever after. (Well, either him, Donny Osmond or David Cassidy. I was open to the possibilities!)

Kathryn Magendie said...

Happy Anniversary --

I'll check out your piece...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kat, Thanks. It's short but genuine and sweet.;-)

Jenni James said...

Ooh! Happy Anniversary! And I hope you had an awesome weekend! Jenni

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jenni, Thanks. It was great. I'll upload some pics and do a post soon.;-)

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