Thursday, June 18, 2009

Message from The All

When I was 18, I wrote a song called, "We All Exist in the Mind of The All." Long title, I know, but it had a mesmerizing hook that, to this day, is often stuck in my head.

These days, I receive messages from The All on a daily basis. They come in the form of a Daily Kabbalah Tune-Up. They usually appear when I'm editing or writing. I'll hear the familiar "ding!" from my inbox and get that anxious, excited feeling. Hoping it's an agent wanting a full or, better yet, Random House writing to tell me they found me through a Google search and are sure I'm the next JK Rowling, I click over to my email. I see "Yehuda Berg" in the "from" column and am instantly disappointed and annoyed. But, I know better than to mess with the Universe, so I always open the email. Here's one I got a few days ago:

Why are we so afraid of what people think of us? They’re going to judge us anyway, so we might as well be ourselves and let them think what they want. Confront this fear today. Be yourself. Spill your truth. Let you be you.

Damn! How did the Powers that Be know I was cowering in fear over what a certain agent will think of a certain ms she's reading? Let it go, Debbie, let it go. It is what it is and it will be how it's meant to be.

Here's the Daily Tune-Up from yesterday:

Having a routine can sometimes keep you stuck. It's a bit like riding an elevator that is going backwards. When we're into our routine, we are stuck on that backwards moving elevator. What good does that do us? How do we break that cycle, how do we move forward?

Today, find a way to break your routines, to fight the pull of the elevator. In order to grow and transform spiritually we have to be constantly willing to change it up.

But, I LOVE my routine! It totally ROCKS! Fine, whatever, I'll change it up.

How do you receive messages from the cosmos? Do you heed them or look the other way? Come on, people. Spill your truth.


~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

this is a good post...and actually just what I needed today...I tend to get stuck in the same ole thing...and though sometimes that can be ok...I think you are right we do need to not be so afraid of what others think to the point it doesnt allow us to grow into the person we are!!! Now Ive got to work on breaking that cycle!!!

Amy said...

Learning not to care what others think about me has been a lifelong struggle. I know when I'm getting a message from the cosmos when I'm made to really look at myself in certain situations. Like if I'm rushing around and I drive somewhere only to find myself behind an older, very slow moving person. I take this as the universe saying, "Slow down! Take it easy!" Perhaps if that older person hadn't pulled out in front of me I may have gotten a speeding ticket or worse, in an accident. It's in those moments I realize I need to stop and listen to the cosmos!

Kelly Polark said...

I do have a morning routine, but I do need a more efficient one...I'll work on that!!

Jenni James said...

You go girl! You dont' want an agent who doesn't believe in your work anyway! You want someone who'll love you just they way you are! Jenni

Joanne said...

I have a routine, too, but that's the beauty of writing. If I feel the need, I can change it up at whim, taking a day or afternoon off, turning my writing eye to a different project, editing or revising versus actual new writing, the list goes on. It feels like change is inherent in the writing process.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Dena, Break the cycle, baby! Like they say, this ain't no dress rehearsal. Trust yourself. Honor yourself. Be yourself.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Amy, I love your example of driving behind an older person and seeing that as a message from the cosmos to "slow down" rather than just getting annoyed and rushing past him/her. Great lesson.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, Efficiency is good, but totally changing things up every now and then is even better. Pretend you're inside a snow globe and shake that baby up!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jenni, From your lips to God's ears! When it's right, it's right. I'm waiting for that "rightness" to shine its light.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Joanne, I totally agree. Change is inherent in the writing process because it's the process of creation. Whenever we're creating, we're changing. Nice thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Uni verse
One song

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Journalizer, You and I are in sync today!!!;-)

Unknown said...

I'm enlightened by things like Amy gave an example of. I can see someone that is disfigured and in my mind, I can hear a voice telling me, "You need to take your mind off of you and reflect it on others." Just in those visual moments. Sometimes, I can be watching something on tv and wham! I'm hit with a profound thought or realization.

It's hard to get past what others think but do they really matter?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

CCD, I think the key is to be aware, so when messages from the universe come through, we hear them. Quieting the mind through art and/or meditation are great ways of keeping the mind "on alert" and open. I love your idea of taking your mind off you and reflecting it on others. Beautiful.;-)

Anonymous said...

I'll admit to routines for work & home, plus organizational charts, but I do change them up. I meditate almost every day, & that is a "routine" I am quite happy with.
ps the title made me think of Messages from Michael. ~Mary

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Mary, I think meditation is one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being. It calms you down and helps keep you centered. I've never heard of Messages from Michael, although I just looked it up on line. Is it anything like a Course in Miracles?

Pen Pen said...

My mom has a lot of "wisdom"-or at least she'd call it that. I call it the twisted sums of a superstitious catholic upbringing in New Orleans merged with wild teen years, and then the restrictions of a southern Baptist convergence.
She'll spout out with things that come from a confused place within her- and - tho I'm left a little baffled, she DOES mix in real wisdom most of the time. :)
Other than that, I rely on fortune cookies :)
I hope u hear good news from ur "lady agent"! :) If she says no, just tell me and I'll get my niece who is sick with strep to sneeze on a piece of paper and I'll write "What's up now?!" on it and I'll send it to her! :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

PenPen, Having you in my corner is better than a mob killer! (Which I lived next door to as a kid, btw...)

Religion can mess people up or be a deeply beautiful experience. Like most things, it's all in the interpretation.

I'm feeling remarkably calm about the agent situation. I adore her and will be horribly disappointed if she's not interested. On the other hand, I'll do cartwheels if she is, and that could be dangerous. I'm committed to remaining zen-like and calm knowing the universe is doing what it's supposed to...

Love to you and Macaroon! I hope she had a PURRRRFECT birthday!

Ray Veen said...


Dang. I am really distracted by trying to figure out what happened in that picture.

Margo said...

my messages are a lot clearer now that I don't think so damned much, and am less of a nerve wracked perfectionist. A lot of the growing up I've done in recent years has to do with letting go... of what people think, of what I think of myself, and deluding myself that I'm really in some kind of control.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ray, You're such a guy. My husband said pretty much the same thing:

"I love the picture on your blog post, honey!"

"Yeah, I knew you'd like the colorful Hindu picture. I mean, you're so spiritual and everything."

"No, I meant the one with the girl on the elevator."

"Really? I didn't even think you'd notice that one....NOT!!"

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Margo, Welcome to my little world! You hit the nail on the head when you said, "A lot of the growing up has to do with letting go... of what people think, of what I think of myself, and deluding myself that I'm really in some kind of control.." How true!!! All we can do is love, create, and, hopefully, transform. None of that has anything to do with "control."

Anonymous said...

I stumble along blindly hoping for the best and being completely amazed I lived through it all. I also know my karma and why I'm here and after this life I'm taking a loooooong hiatus.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Val, Interesting. I'd love to hear more about how you know about your karma (our band's name is Karma Chain btw!) and why you think you'll be taking a long break after this life. E-mail me if you get the chance.;-)

Debbie said...

Love that about not being afraid of what people think. Yet, we always are.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Debbie, I don't know if we're actually afraid, or just apprehensive. We want everyone to love us and everything we do, and we take it personally when that's not the case. Damn, why can't we all just love each other unconditionally and completely???;-)

Kathryn Magendie said...

I try to listen, but I'm "ornery"(as VK would say)....

At 52, I am at that phase where I am more confident, and do not care what people think -- EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO MY WRITING! that's just it, the way it is - I think I'll be 100 and still worry about what people think of my's the most personal parts of, not even that -it's more than that - I'll have to think about this....

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kat, Ornery? You? You crack me up! TG is next in line on my nightstand, as I said. I've been working so hard on my writing lately, that I haven't had the "normal" time to read. I can't wait to meet VK!!!;-)

Fragrant Liar said...

Truth? I'm lazy.

I have to get beyond that to move forward on the writing. I go in wild spurts of intense writing where I get a lot done (like an entire book), and then I'll recoil from the grind and want to do absolutely nothing, which becomes a habit, and that's where I am now. Lazy.

Anita said...

I ask for/look for messages all the time and never get them. What's wrong with me?!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

FL, We all have to be lazy from time to time - it's the law! However, creativity and self-expression on a regular basis are the keys to true happiness.;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Anita, The only thing wrong with you is that you're adorable. Stop looking and just "be." The messages are there - stop looking so hard...;-)

Femin Susan said...

These are so cute and clever!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Susan, Welcome! I'm glad you like it. Feel free to vote early and often.;-)

Unknown said...

I take to my bed. ;)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Suzanne, Bed's always a great place to be, for a number of reasons.;-)

writtenwyrdd said...

That "going down" picture cracked me up. Remember when your underpants' elastic could just go like that? It happened to me once when I was in first grade. My underpants, suddenly dropping around my ankles. Got to wonder what the difference was between the elastic then and the elastic now, lol. Must be the spandex!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

WW, Too funny! When I found that picture I knew I'd struck gold. It was fun incorporating humor into a spiritual post. I firmly believe humor is one of the best things for the spirit. Sorry about first grade,btw. Thank goodness for improvements in elastic technology!;-)

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