Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Comic Relief Courtesy of Baby Jesus

My wonderful blog-friend Angie gave away a cake. I didn't win, and I'm not real happy about that. Nope, not happy at all. Although, it didn't look chocolate, so maybe it's not that big of a deal. But, just in case it is chocolate, I gave her instructions on how to bypass the "contest" thing next time around and simply send me the damn cake. If you pop over to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee (the winner this time around), you'll see a lot of talk about Baby Jesus.

Now, being raised a nice, Jewish girl in New York, I've never given a whole lot of thought to Baby Jesus or toddler Jesus, or teenage Jesus, or even (dare I say?) hot grown-up Jesus (he would SO be a rock star these days!). Anyway, it got me thinking of my favorite Baby Jesus association and here it is: Baby Jesus Grace from Talledega Nights.



Angie Ledbetter said...

Girlllll, you are so baad! :) (With all the snarky Baby Jesus talk, I'm afraid if you DID win the king cake next year, you'd choke on the plastic doll!) Thanks for the linky love.

Debbie said...

Even though I am crazy about Linda, I wasn't real happy that the cake didn't find the way to my house either.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, Yeah, but what a way to go!!!! And, you're very welcome.

Debbie, I think we should gang up on Angie and guilt her into sending all of us cakes!;-)

Sandra Leigh said...

Hey, if you do decide to gang up on Angie, let me know. I'll be home soon, and I can send out the Mounties! ;>) So, was it a chocolate cake?

Loved the grace.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sandra, Mounties? Really? Wow - you've got some serious pull. Angie - are you paying attention? Do you see the lengths some of us will go to for cake and chocolate and especially chocolate cake?

And, Sandra, I'm glad you loved the grace. I found it deeply spiritual.

Traci said...

Hi Debra...I am a fellow writer / blogger. I enjoy reading your comments on other blogs, so I thought I would stop by. :-) Mind if I follow?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Dearest LitGirl, I'd be honored! Please join in the fun. I'll check you out as well.;-)

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Oh, you Jewish girls...

Lilly said...

He he you are so funny. Oh I will have to go find what that cake looked like now. Personally I would be hppy to choke on the plastic doll if the cake was chocolate. I may just have to make one this weekend.

Mollie said...

T'was a Mardi Gras King Cake! Those were a big deal in New Orleans. The thing is - the cakes are typically shared, and the person who gets the piece with the baby in it is responsible for buying the next cake. It goes on for the whole Mardi Gras season.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Lilly, I'm with you - I'd do some pretty embarrassing things for a piece of chocolate cake. OK, alright, I've DONE some pretty embarrassing things for a piece of chocolate cake...

Mollie, You southerners are a bit "touched." That said, I'd move to Charleston in a heartbeat!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Wow, this cake-winning moment of mine was business. Serious business. Sorry, people. But really, it was such a treat because I had never heard of such a thing. Would you have denied me that new experience just so that you could gobble it up with no appreciation at the wonder of plastic baby Jesus? Yes, yes you would. (She said as she smacked her lips with cinnamon lusciousness.) What-evs.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

2nd Cup, Of course, I would! All is fair in love and cake. The least you could have done was cut it up and send those of us deserving souls a slice. But, no - instead you had ate the whole delicious thing yourself. But, seriously, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The good news is, when I win next time around I won't have to share either!;-)

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