I celebrated my birthday this past weekend, and we're in the midst of the holiday season. In honor of time passing and days celebrated, here's a post I wrote a few months back on the purpose of life.
Good tidings to all!
I've got some good news, folks. I figured it all out! The search for a purpose, motivation for living, reason for the rhyme is so much easier than we thought: We are here to be awed by our own and each others' divinity.
If it's that simple, why is happiness so elusive?
Because we humans love to complain. We don't have enough. We're not rich enough, smart enough, good looking enough, respected enough, or loved enough. We wish [insert friend or relative here] acted differently. We wish certain things did or didn't happen. Wah. Wah. Wah. Poor, sad us. What's the point to all of our suffering and why is it so damn hard to be happy?
It's hard to be happy because we think everything needs to make sense!
Our purpose is not to understand, but to experience. We're here to love and be loved, to learn and to teach, to laugh and to cry, to amaze and be amazed. We're here to feel joy and anger, ecstasy and sadness, attraction and rejection. We are here to create, appreciate, and forgive.
Good Life/Bad Life. It's your call.
We've been granted a brief span of time here on Earth, and what we do with it is our choice. We can be cruel or kind, compassionate or uncaring, generous or stingy, selfish or selfless. We can manifest our gifts, challenge ourselves, and listen closely, or we can ignore our talents, be lazy, and remain deaf to the needs of others. Your choices determine the quality of your life. Don't eff it up.
What rocks your world?
My soul speaks through art. Writing music and books is how my soul communicates. Music, dancing, books, paintings, sculptures, and great acting move me in ways I can't explain. Other things that rock my world: Spending time with family and friends, delicious meals, CHOCOLATE, red wine, meditation, travel, and healthy living. FIGURE OUT WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP & DO THOSE THINGS OFTEN!
My Greatest Gifts.
My kids, my boyfriend, embraces from those I love, the sound of the waves, the purr of my cats, my health, the health of those I love, enlightening conversations, inspiring music, the words, "I love you," a good laugh...
These are not just things I enjoy about my life. These things ARE my life. These are some of my greatest gifts, and for that and so much more, I am profoundly grateful.
What NOT to do.
Don't let a moment slip by unnoticed. Don't pass up a chance to kiss your children. Don't miss an opportunity to express your love. Don't let a kind word be left upon your lips.
Live your life like your life depends on it.
In honor of this precious life I've been given, I hereby promise the following: To practice being gracious and grateful; joyous and generous; playful and powerful; creative and kind.
I will allow myself and others to make mistakes! I will take honoring and thanking and appreciating and loving to a whole new level.
That's what I realized today. What about you?
Beautiful post and wonderful outlook, Debra! My mom always says that happiness is a choice. You can choose to feel all sorry for yourself or you can choose to be grateful for who you are! I think it's definitely a relief that my happiness is up to me and in my own control!
Laura, "... it's definitely a relief that my happiness is up to me and in my own control!" Brilliant. I'm going to remember this the next time I'm in the "feeling sorry for myself" zone.
This post is precisely why my soul adores your soul Debbie. You truly are a superior human being who has a great purpose on this planet. You my dear, are reaching your prime as both a woman and a spirit and it is wonderful to watch you share that evolution. HUGS
Wow, what a post! I don't exactly think we have divinity in us, but I DO think you've got the gist of contentment here. Reminds me of what my great-grandmother used to say: your attitude determines your altitude.
Val, Wow, just wow. Thank you and namaste, my friend.
Ruthanne, Glad you liked the post, my dear! By divinity, I mean that inner spark that connects each of us to another. The greatness we are capable of achieving. We are each divine in our own way. Seeing the divinity is another is recognizing the beauty in another's soul.
Wow~ beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder!
I realized, you are still awesome. :)
Love ya!
Nancy, You're welcome, my friend. ;-)
Julie, Tx. Remind me next time I'm acting like an AC. ;-)))
Awesome post! I actually think of these things on a daily basis, along with something a good friend once told me and it's always stuck with me: 'You can't make anyone else happy until you're happy with yourself'.
That goes for all relationships and it's so important to remember. So I work each day to find happiness in the things I do. Also, we pretty much love all the same things. :)
Julie, I'm glad you liked the post, and I appreciate your words. There is only one person in the world whose happiness we have control over, and that is the person staring back in the mirror. ;-))
LOVE this!!!
Kelly H-Y, YAY!
Great post, Laura. Rules to live life by... I wish I couild be more like you - so uplifting
Oops! Sorry Debra - don't know why I called you Laura in the last post. Apologies - must be the last blog I read - or the gremlins again!
No problem, Pat, believe me I've been called worse! (And "Laura" is a beautiful name!) Glad you found the post uplifting. We're all in this thing together - we may as well try to raise each other up. ;-)
I'm just going to say, "Thanks! You're awesome" and leave it at that. :)
Kristina, No, YOU'RE awesome! (((hugs)))
What a great reminder for all of us!
We are the only ones responsible for our own happiness! So funny because I just posted on a very similar realization...so glad I stumbled across your blog!
Jody, I'm glad you found me, too! It's so easy to be waiting for something or someone in order to make our lives better. That's a whole lot of useless waiting!
I found myself rereading each line! So beautiful and so true!
Oh I love your post and all your words of wisdom today dear one.
May your Christmas be filled with many blessings...thank you for being such a sweet and faithful friend. Hugs and love.
Koralee, Thank you for bringing visual joy to so many through your brilliant and inspiring blog. May peace be yours this holiday season. xoxo
Just wanted to pop in to see how your Christmas went my dear friend and thank you for all your sweet friendship you have given me..you truly have been a blessing to me. ...Hugs and love for a wonderful New Year.
I wandered over to your site from Margaret & Helen, and your post on the purpose of life filled me with joy. It's such a delight to find others who not only "get it" but who are also choosing to create incredible lives for themselves, which by the ripple effect, also positively impact the lives of others.
I used to think in terms of "stuff" and thought I had nothing to give. Now that I live through my heart, I'm running a free school and doing what I used to think was impossible. And everything keeps getting so much more awesome that I run out of words to describe it.
Thank you Debra, the seed you planted will blossom in others.
Dear Avotresante, I adore Margaret and Helen and am so glad you found me through them. Thank you so much for your kind words and for all your doing to make this world a better place. Namaste.
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