Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Novel New Year

For my first post of the New Year, I'm not going to bore you with any of the normal BS like resolutions or things I hope to accomplish before the next ball drops (heads out of the gutter, people, the one in Times Square). Nope, I've got far more interesting news.

I know, amazing, right? No? Okay, fine. This may not be the most exciting thing you've heard so far this year, I mean, Michele Bachmann just "suspended her campaign" (bullshit way of saying, "dropped out of the race" - she probably learned it from Sarah Palin who "suspended her governorship") and Tim Tebow's conversations with Jesus have led my beloved Denver Broncos to the playoffs, but I hope we can all agree the fact that I FINISHED THE NOVEL I STARTED LAST JANUARY!!! is pretty damn exciting.

I'm currently editing and wondering why things are going so smoothly. Could it be that the more you write, the better you get? Or is it something more intangible, like luck mixed with determination sprinkled with more luck? Either way, I'm grateful. This was a difficult and cathartic book to write, and I'm excited to usher it into the world.

My cats, Mia (top) and Emma (bottom), still hate each other. I'm not being melodramatic, it's true. They can't stand the fact that the other exists on the same planet, never mind in the same house. We've tried everything, new toys, Pounce (aka Kitty Crack), whispering in their ears, scratching them under the chin, and blasting Stray Cats music, but nothing has worked. We even promised them each a new car (a Jaguar or Cougar), but they acted as if they could care less. Any tips on how to bond a friendship between two, female felines would be freaking fantastic.

Also, the countdown is on for a 10-day Caribbean cruise with my honey and my parents! Four weeks from this Friday we leave for Ft. Lauderdale. (What's with all the "f" words, you ask? I have no fucking clue!)

I've been asked by the Academy to keep my comments short, so that's all for now, folks. I hope 2012 brings you all the goodies you deserve. And, on behalf of insane people and comedians everywhere, let me say, "Palin-Bachmann - 2016!"

And one more thing... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ETHAN!!! I love you bunches and bunches x infinity.


Vegas Linda Lou said...

Congratulations! That's a major accomplishment. Looks like you're starting the new year right, my friend. Enjoy your cruise and enjoy your honey! XOXO

Anonymous said...



Robin said...

Well that only means one thing on the novel: you have been working hard. Congratulations. I think that is fantastic. I do believe that maybe the editing does get easier the more you do it. And maybe the more you write, the less editing is required, because you get better. Just some thoughts...

Carolee said...

Writing IS cathartic. It's a good darned thing, for me, at least!
The more you write, the better you get. I also heard another one this morning. A writer who isn't writing is courting insanity. Unfortunately, mine has passed the point of buying me flowers and has progressed to hard liquor.
My older dog hates the pup. The pup lives in blissful denial of that fact.

Lastly (this is joy I can't share -- I will stand back and applaud, instead), congratulations on the novel! That is no small feat, lady.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Linda, Thanks, my friend. Best to you in 2012.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Keith, (((Hugs)))

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, This is a different one. That was YA, this is women's fiction.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Robin, They say you have to get to a million words before you "get it." I think I'm getting close. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...
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Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Carolee, I owe Jamie.

Carolee said...

Ha! I was thinking the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new book!
As for the cats, just give it time. the longer each coexists with the other, the more used to each other they get. However, there is no guarantee they won't fight...

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