Friday, October 29, 2010

Got Transformation?

I started a seminar last night called, "Living Powerfully: A Life that Defies the Predictable." It's given by Landmark Education Corporation, the folks who do The Forum; a program that transformed my life nearly two decades ago.

I did The Forum in 1992, and have always said next to getting married and having kids, it's the greatest thing I ever did. Of course, that comment may need alteration, but you get my point.

Over the course of the three day program, I was transformed. But what does that really mean? For me it meant experiencing something so profound that it challenged what I knew to be "true" and provided me with freedom to experience life and the people in it in a way I never imagined possible. It completely rocked my world. That's what I mean by "transformation." Put another way, when I went back to work on the Monday after my Forum, everyone seemed kinder, friendlier, more helpful; the trees looked greener, my kids were even more beautiful (didn't think that was possible!). Did everything and everyone change while I was in The Forum? No. What changed was my perception of everything. What changed was my transformation.

Last night (in a group of 225 people) we talked about how life can be predictable, mundane, a fight, boring, stressful, uninspiring, etc. We also talked about what would be possible if life was inspiring, exciting, less stressful, free, and unpredictable. We discussed what would be possible if we weren't run by our circumstances; if we were the cause of our lives. What would life look like if we kept our word and weren't driven only by our wants and desires?

Those are the kinds of things I'm up to right now. Shaking up my world, unleashing my true power, listening powerfully, passionately pursuing my dreams, and loving the people in my life with all my heart and soul.

So, what are you up to in life? What kinds of things would be possible for you if you weren't "run" by your circumstances?


Jon Paul said...

It's a real challenge, isn't it--making a life you want to live. I've been struggling with some of the same things recently.

Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jon Paul, Living a life you love is a challenge, but one worth taking on. All best. ;-)

BookGeek said...

Thank for your inspiring words. I am changing my life by not letting myself feel trapped in a situation. I am looking at every experience and seeing it as a building block to my ultimate goal. (Trying to at least!)

Elspeth Futcher said...

I'm full of admiration for you Debra as you move forward. Your courage and determination are inspiring.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, You bring up a great point: transformation is a lifelong pursuit. We have "aha" moments where we move along more quickly (like The Forum), but as long as we're alive, there's always room to dig deeper. What a great journey to be on. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

BG, "I am changing my life by not letting myself feel trapped in a situation." That's a great way to transform your life. Good for you!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elspeth, Aw, shucks, thanks! I'm doing my best. ;-)

Robin said...

I think that what you are saying is that people who do this say to themselves, "What if I could make my world look/be however I want it?" They then follow that up with ideas on how to make it happen. They then follow that up with putting those ideas into motion and making it happen. They visualize it. Get comfortable with that visualization. Get ideas about how to make it happen. Then actively make that picture a reality. I think that all people who are living what they consider to be successful lives of their choosing went through this process, whether realized it or not. At some point they decided that they could become the captain of their ship and took over the helm. And the rest became history...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Robin, True transformation is far more than simply knowing - or having ideas - about how to be successful. It's a perception of your life that supersedes your circumstances. True transformation can't be explained; it must be experienced.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! May God light you up with inspiration!

Stacia Kelly said...

I've always been a proponent of live, learn, and push your limits :) We get so caught up in the drama that we forget to get caught up in the beauty and opportunities out there.


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sharla, Thanks, sweetie. I'll take all the light I can get! ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Stacia, You are such an inspiration to me. Tx for the holiday invite. I'm going to see what I can do. ;-))

nsiyer said...

Debra, Landmark had a profound influence on my thinking and on my life. Way things occured to me changed and this shift changed everything.
I love life more now and revel at how people live life,crib, moan etc. For me everything changed.

Do come ovr to my blog, Debra. Have a great Sunday.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

nsiyer, "For me everything changed." That's evidence of true transformation. I love that we can talk about this across the world!

Becky Fyfe said...

Great post! I've been living my life in that manner for the past 2 1/2 years now. Life is so much BETTER when you grab it by the horns and LIVE it!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

MD, Good for you! Why do we humans self-sabotage with anger, fear, and sadness? Rising above and pushing through is where the real magic (i.e., transformation) lies. ;-)

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