Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Writing Advice

I realize this isn't the most modest thing to say, but my YA novel is rocking the house!

One year ago today, I was in the middle of the first draft. Now, I'm 2/3 of the way through Draft #6.

I've been on a major writing roll lately after a long dry spell. The creative process - like life - works best when you let it flow naturally, rather than trying to bend it to your will. My trip to Mexico was just what I needed to replenish my soul and feel freed up to create magic in both my life and my writing.

So here's some Friday Writing Advice: (And, you might enjoy these tips from Kiersten White's husband, Hot Stuff - pure genius, that!)

1) Listen to your muse. Trust his/her lessons.

2) Take breaks when you need them! Trust yourself to know when that is.

3) Write like a banshee when you can. Let the words flow and edit later.

4) Enjoy your life! Living life to the fullest by treasuring every moment, is the best way to get prime plot lines and character ideas that make your stories as interesting as possible.

Now, get out there and enjoy your weekend! I'll see you on flip side. ;-))


lotusgirl said...

Thanks for the great advice.

Tessa Emily Hall said...

Breaks are much needed for me. I tend to run out of words after I've been going for a while...

Thanks for the post!


Fragrant Liar said...

Great advice. I am one of those hit-and-run writers. Hard to do the all-day butt-in-chair routine. I sit down to write, get up and do things while mulling the story, and then go back to the keyboard for another round. The trick is to keep coming back consistently, staying at it, and as I just told Irish Gumbo, daring to suck.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

lotusgirl, You're welcome!

Christ is Write, Breaks are key - glad you liked the post.

FL, "Daring to suck" LOVE IT!!!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Great advice! I particularly like the "write like a banshee." So often I get hung up on editing and not letting my words just flow from my fingertips. I'm so glad your edits are going great! :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kim, Love you, honey! Write like your life depends on it. Then, take a break and RELAX!!! ;-)

Cheri Lasota said...

Great advice to hear again and again and again, Debra! Wishing you wild success on your revisions. I love that everything is flowing for you!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Cheri, Thanks, my friend. Best wishes to you as well. ;-))

BookGeek said...

Thanks for sharing your optimism with me! I needed it. I'm in a bit of a slump right now, writing wise. This is was a good wake-up to the fact that once you start getting lazy, its hard to break it. Tonight I write! Thanks!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

BG, Yay! So glad I could help. Encouraging each other is a huge part of being a successful writer.

nsiyer said...

Wow, great week end advice. How was your Landmark Seminar? Write something about it.

Brandon said...

Thanks for the great advice.

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