This got me thinking. Who has inspired me along my creative path?
Early on, we artists copy or imitate those we admire most, or at least we try to. With practice, we branch out and develop our own style and way of expressing ourselves.
As a kid, I imitated Carole King. Her album Tapestry was the first album I bought with my saved up allowance of fifty cents per week. Let me backtrack: At the age of six, I started writing songs on a 100 year old, upright Chickering piano in our basement on Long Island. I'd sit a

Back to Ms. King. After weeks of studying the lyrics on Tapestry and doing my best to copy every inflection in her soulful voice, I was inspired to write a song called, "What You Need Is Some Love In Your Heart." I was ten years old, and thought it was SO intense. Here's a sample of the lyrics:
"You make me happy every time that you smile and say, "Hi" to me... You make me happy every time that you smile and say, "Hi" to me... Then the day fades, and I see that what you need is some love in your heart, what you need is some love in your heart..."
I know, pure genius.
My next musical inspiration was, a

Speaking of stories, as a writer, my earliest inspirations were Roald Dahl, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth; and Herman Raucher, Summer of '42. I read those books until the words faded and the pages became soft and worn from being turned so many times.

As an adult, I love writers who make me laugh. Susan Isaacs, Ellen Degeneres, and Chelsea Handler are a few of my favorites. In fact, I love comedy in all its forms; books, film, TV, and stand-up. To me, there are few things in life greater than laughter.
In addition to music, writing, and comedy, my family, friends, fellow writers, editor, and awesome agent inspire me in ways I could never properly express. (Thank you times infinity...)
What inspires you? Who inspires you? What have you learned from that inspiration? How do you hope to inspire others? Inquiring minds want to know.
I remember listening to C King - oh, the 70's :-D ...
Nature inspires me quite often. It shows up in my work, even when not really blaringly apparent. Sometimes music will - the opening image of TG was inspired by Angels of Venice - a bit of music that crossed over into sounding so bluegrassy (of course, bluegrass beginnings came from scot-irish) . . . but I can't listen to music while writing.
(Angie said you won a copy of Tender Graces - yay!)
My daughters. I'm surprised I ever actually did anything before they were born. My little muses, yes they are...
When I think about my inspiration to write, it's difficult to think of anything beyond my parents. My mother is an incredible storyteller, and my brother and I were raised with imagination woven through every day of our childhoods. And from my father, I gained the inspiration to work hard, be dedicated, and finish what I started. Wow, I feel really, really lucky. Thanks for the blog that got me thinking about this. :)
Kat, Nature is an incredible source of inspiration, and you sit in the middle of some of the most inspiring land in the country! And, yes, I was the winner of your wonderful book. #amlucky
PC, Our children are BEYOND, aren't they? ;-)
Julie, You are so blessed to have parents who love you so completely and who nurtured a love for creativity in you from the start. I'm sure they knew from the moment they laid eyes on you what a treasure you are. ;-)
You're so right! It's reading the books that are in the genre I write and listening to music that matches the mood of my current chapter. They keep me going.
Great blog post and I love Carol King.
Carole King is amazing! :)
So many things have inspired me over the years. For writers the earliest inspirations were Carolyn Keene, Lucy Maud Montgomery & JRR Tolkein :)
Clarissa, It's interesting to see what inspires people. I love that you listen to different music for different chapters, after all, music is the language of the soul. ;-)
Karen, The Everly Brothers are one of my favorites, too. Their harmonies are amazing!
Jemi, All great writers!
Wait a second while I stomp down my envy of your musical ability. Dang, I wish I could sing... *sigh*
What inspires me? Like you, I'm big into humor. Anyone who can make me laugh (trust me, I'm easy to amuse) is big on my inspiration list. But I won't start listing them here, because there are so many, and I'd be sure to leave out someone important.
And lately I've been inspired a lot by the blogs I follow. Mostly writers somewhere along the road to publication, from just starting out to already there & living the dream. It's such a warm and helpful online community--I just love being a part of it.
Linda, I do love to sing! And, I agree - our writing community is such a gift to us all. I wouldn't have found you without it, and that would be a major loss for me. ;-)
Tapestry...oh, the memories! And that diva of 70s rock. We've got scarily similar tastes. :)
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You ~Ron
Other authors. I'm always inspired to write when I'm reading something great, be it literary or commercial. I couldn't even begin to list them all.
Angie, Of course, we do! Are you surprised? ;-)
Geezer, Thanks for stopping by. I'll check you out soon.
Wendy, Yup, there's nothing better than getting lost in a great book or great music. It is only then that your soul is truly free.
...I question sometimes if we're related...I'm pretty sure we are...I have a mounted copy of 'Tapestry'...and one in a plastic unopened film...and one I listen to all the time...
How u doin my agent signed magic bean?!
FYI- Chelsea Handler is hosting the MTV Video Music Awards! Katy P is gonna be there, and it's gonna be HELLA Awesome!! U better be watching! :)
Penny, I love and miss you more than words can say. It's true, we love all the same powerful, beautiful, powerful, funny women. (Katy, Carole, Stevie, Chelsea...) Great minds definitely think alike. ;-)
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