Monday, August 2, 2010

Home Sweet Home

My big decision is (drum roll, please!) I've decided to pass on the beach and stay close to home. Being near the most important people in my world (my two sons) is what matters most. I'm still devastated by the recent turn of events in my life, and I don't know how long it'll take to move past it. However, for now, one big decision has been made: I'm staying somewhere in southeastern PA.

Thanks so much for all the kind words and inquiries about my well-being. It means a lot to know so many people care.

As far as my YA novel is concerned, AA is currently reviewing it. I hope to be moving forward with that in the near future as well.

What major choices have you made in your lives lately?


Kimberly Franklin said...

The only major decision I've made lately is what color my new couch was going to be. It's Mocha! The color of my beloved chocolate. :)

As for writing... I've decided that writing chapter 1 pretty much sucks!

Happy Monday!

Jemi Fraser said...

I think that's a wise choice Deb. You and your boys will be happy with it.

My major decision is to finally dip my toe in the query ocean. Just my toe, but that's scary enough :)

Julie said...

Glad you made your choice. It's the right one. :)

I've decided after pushing myself like a lunatic between life stuff, work stuff, and writing stuff, I am taking the month of August as a "Time to Relax a bit" month. I'll still write, of course, but I'm also going to take care of myself and do some other things... a hot stone massage sounds about right. :)

Miss you. Love ya.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kim, Mocha sounds perfect! *hugs*

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, Good for you for getting "wet." It's actually fun once you get used to the water. Best of luck to you - I look forward to hearing your good news.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, Thanks - I hope I will find my sanctuary. And, good for you for finding a writing coach. That's simply brilliant. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, I miss you, too, my friend. Smart to take August as a relaxation month. Goodness knows, you need it! Let's make sure to schedule a call soon. *hugs*

Robin said...

Sounds like you made the right choice for you. I am so glad for you. I seem to be practicing avoidance. I know that I have to do some major things. Okay, one major thing is already in motion, but the other major thing is just sitting and waiting. I need to put the stuff into motion to file for bankruptcy. Pride is a spiteful thing to have. I really just don't want to do it. So, I drag my heels. Of course, there is no other recourse, so I am only delaying the inevitable. Every day I say, "Tomorrow I will take that first step." And then when I put out the light at night and pull the covers up to my chin the next day, I sigh and think, "Well, I will do it tomorrow." Even now, it is getting backburnered to tomorrow. Avoidance. I practice avoidance. I am getting really good at it.

Beth said...

Sounds like the very best decision for you at this time. Perhaps other opportunities will arise in the future, but for now, enjoy where you are!

Mandy said...

I've been away for awhile and I must have missed a ton! But I just wanted to leave a comment to say that I'll be thinking of you and sending you a warm, virtual hug from sunny Florida. You are welcome to visit our beaches here (even though there may be some traces of oil in it). Home is where you feel most comfortable and happiest - the rest is just a place, a temporary fixture. I'm glad to see your son spoiling you and bringing you light.

Good luck with all you have going on! I hope the new chapter in your life will bring you some peace and some joy soon.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I hope things work out for you. And remember, today is tomorrow...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Beth, No matter where you go, there you are, right? I may as well be close to my kids - they mean more to me than anyone or anything in the world.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Mandy, Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I hope all is going well for you down in sunny Florida. ;-)

Ruthanne Reid said...

Wow. *hugs* Well, it's not a bad place to be, at least!

In terms of major decisions for me? Starting up the web design business again. It's scary, because I know how much time it takes - and yet, I'm writing, too.

Hoo, boy. *chewchewchew*

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, Good for you w/your website design biz. Letting your creativity out in whatever way possible is key to accessing the truth of your soul. I love you, friend.

Laura S. said...

Good for you for considering changes and making your decision. As a southeastern PA resident myself, I must say your choice is good, lol! I love the beach, but I love it around here, too, especially since family is close by, like you said. :) I'm sure your sons are really happy you're sticking close by!

Wishing you many blessings, Debra!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Laura, You're awesome. We really need to meet at Starbucks or maybe Borders (Seattle's Best!)at KOP one of these days. ;-)

Kelly Polark said...

Hugs to you, Debra! The love and support from your sons will confirm your decision!
My husband is looking for jobs out of state, I just gave him the go ahead to do that. I'm a major homebody and live near where I grew up and told him that's where we'd live forever! Except the economy is making us look elsewhere. We'll see what happens.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, If you end up in the Philly area, you've got to let me know! Also, you have a place to stay if you're ever here visiting. ;-)

Phoenix said...

Ugh. All I have in my life right now is major choices. I'm moving into a new place with my boyfriend, trying to put my career into overdrive, stepping out of my comfort zone constantly...

It's hard to catch my breath sometimes! And I don't like change very much either :)

I hope things get better in your life - you certainly seem incredibly strong and very capable of whatever life throws your way.

Nancy J. Parra said...

Yay for happy choices for you. The beaches aren't going anywhere and so you can be happy where you are right now. Thanks for sharing. I wish you all the best with the new YA. cheers~

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Phoenix, I just watched your acting reel - freaking awesome!!! Best of luck to you with all the major changes you're dealing with. Keep me posted as your dreams come true.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Nancy, You are so right. The beaches will stay just where they are so I can go visit them any time I like. Family always comes first. Period.

Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face. ;-)

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