Monday, April 26, 2010


Thursday night I went to the Rock Bottom Remainder show at the Electric Factory in Philly. First, let me say, I was mildly devastated that my only idol besides Stevie Nicks, the effervescently brilliant, Stephen King, was not there. According to Mitch Albom's wife, he's not been touring much since his terrible accident a few years ago. That said, it was a fun evening. [When life hands you Stephen King-less lemons, you make Amy Tan lemonade.]

Here I am in the car on the way to the show. Can you tell how nervous I was? No? Okay, well never mind. [I was a nervous wreck. At that point, I still thought Stephen King was in my immediate future.]

My sister, Sharon, who had flown in from Denver at the last minute to help me through a very difficult time [can you say, "understatement?"], along with my awesome son, Adam, joined me in this adventure. Adam's a punk-rock drummer sporting a brand new killer tattoo, so he fit in perfectly with all the geeky writers in attendance.

The pre-party included an open bar, passed hors d'oeuvres [don't ask me how long it took to google the correct spelling on that], as well as a nice spread of food including chips, salsa, guacamole, and an assortment of chocolate goodness. To give you an idea of how crappy my week's been, I didn't eat any chocolate. Not one bite. Crazy, right? I did, however, have my first cocktail in nearly a year. I sipped it slowly over three hours, so no buzz occurred, but it was more of a declaration of independence than an attempt at getting drunk.

I'd hoped to meet Jen Weiner, but she arrived a bit late and went straight up on stage. (Sorry this picture of her is so dark - my camera takes horrible far-away-in-the-dark pictures.) She rocked it big time, and has a terrific sense of humor. Also on stage were Scott Turow, Mitch Albom, Ridley Pearson, Dave Barry, Roy Blount, Jr, Kathi Kamen Goldmark, and Amy Tan. They are a funny, talented, group of writers masquerading as musicians. Actually, a few are pretty damn good musicians, like Mitch Albom, for example, who in his early years played in numerous bands and attended the Berklee College of Music.

Their best songs were the few originals they threw in. One was called, "I'm In Love with a Proofreader" she's got a big dictionary, real good grammar, and never says between you and I and a song where the chorus was, all you reviewers can kiss my ass!

Amy Tan and Scott Turow get the award for most outrageous. Amy came out in a big, blonde, Debbie Harry wig and performed "One Way or Another" (you can see her in the pic above on the left). She also did a hysterical dominatrix version of "These Boots are Made for Walking." Scott Turow did a few songs in a clown wig and Cubs baseball shirt that hung past his knees (next to Amy in above pic). The guy is certifiably hilarious. Mitch Albom did an Elvis impersonation good enough to score him a job in a chapel in Vegas.

Here are a few pics of me and Amy Tan (above) and me and Mitch Albom and his lovely wife, Janine, who also has a terrific voice.

Speaking of Stevie Nicks, when I met Mitch we kind of got into a friendly tiff over the talent of the lovely Ms. Nicks. I said (and Mitch's astute wife agreed) that no musician is more talented. He disagreed but, in the interest of not being pummeled by two devout Stevie fans, let the subject go. I turned to my sister and said, "I can't believe I'm arguing with Mitch Albom about Stevie Nicks." [Life is full of unexpected strangeness these days.]

I told AA that, besides selling my book for enough money for me to cohabitate with Rick Branson on his private island, I also want to be a part of this band in a couple of years. When I told Mitch's wife I was a singer/songwriter for over 30 years, she told me I couldn't be in the band because, "only people who suck" can join. I told her I'd work on that.

All in all, given the week from hell I've had, it was a great night. And the best part was that the proceeds went to the Philadelphia Free Library. Music and writing together; it doesn't get any better than that.


WendyCinNYC said...

That sounds like a great event. I'm pea green with envy!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

You would've loved it! Maybe when they go to NYC you can see them. [If they do, tell Mitch that Stevie rocks!]

Sage Ravenwood said...

Sounds like an wicked good time. Sorry to hear about the week proceeding.

You've lent me an ear when I've needed it. Hope you know that goes both ways. (Hugs)Indigo

Julie said...

I'm so proud of you for celebrating the good moments even when surrounded by a mucky cloud the size of Texas. Love ya, and I'm always here for you.

P.S. Hope you aren't too disappointed, but I don't think you can ever musically suck... just saying. :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Indigo, Given my state of mind, it was as much fun as it could have been. Thank you for the offer. I may take you up on it.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, You're so mean! What do you mean I could never musically suck? What if I tried really hard and practiced a lot? Oh, wait. Then I'd get better. Never mind. You win. [And thanks for having my back...]

Ruthanne Reid said...

I can't begin to tell you how awesome you are.

You look terrific. This event was clearly a blast (and I'm in Pittsburgh - damnit, so close and yet so far).

I like your declaration of independence. Very, very much.

Kingless or not, this was great, and I'm glad you had such a good time. Also, your son and sister win massive points ;)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, It was a special evening and the timing was perfect. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, Thanks for being one of my best virtual friends. I can't tell you how much it means. ;-)

Nancy J. Parra said...

Wow- this sounds like a ton of fun. Thanks so much for sharing!!

Laura S. said...

I'm glad you had a fabulous time! I'm super jealous you met those awesome authors. Mrs. Albom sounds like a hoot!

Sending you lots of positive thoughts and many blessings your way. Btw, I quoted you at the end of my blog post today. :) (Oh, I rhymed. So does that mean I can be in the rock band?!)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a rockin' time, what a great way to keep your spirits up!

Kelly Polark said...

That does sound like a fun time: writers who rock! Love it!
I hope you have a better week!!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Looks like you had lots of fun. And no chocolate all week... what? Are you feeling okay?! ;)

Happy Monday!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Nancy, You're welcome. So glad you liked the post.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Laura, You're such a sweetheart. Thank you so much for quoting me on your beautiful blog post. I'm verklempt. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Blue, It was fun. I'm glad I went. Guess I'll have to keep dreaming about what it'd be like to meet Mr. King.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, You would've loved it - so up your rock and roll alley!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kim, It's been rough. I'll write about it one of these days. ;-)

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow! What a terrific event for a great cause! Gotta love people who are so willing to put themselves out there like that. I'm definitely impressed.

You look great in the photos! Hope your week/life start looking up. Take care of yourself :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, Glad you liked the post. Life has its ups and downs - I'm just not used to the downs. Will be back in "up" mode soon. ;-)

Linda Pressman said...

I was just trying to prove to my kids how awesome NPR is the other day (ages 14 and 10) when the Rock Bottom Remainders did it for me! They were being interviewed on All Things Considered and have considerable street cred with the whole best-selling author thing!

Sounds like a great time!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Linda, It was a treat for sure, as is NPR. ;-)


What an amazing time! After the week you had, you deserve at least twelve more of them.

Next week when you're in Portland, we can worship at the alter of Stevie Nicks together.


Vikki said...

Deb, I'm so sorry you had a bad week! I hope things begin to look up. Keep up that amazing, positive attitude. And...HELLO, what cool evening!! Too bad about Mr. King, though:<( I would totally pass out if I was in the same room with him. Or I'd trip and fall on my face or choke on an olive or something. Then he'd remember me as the girl tripping and choking on olives. (hey, but at least he'd remember me!)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Tawna, I think we should set up a shrine and blast our favorite Stevie tunes. I'm sure Kristina would be up for that! (Can't wait!!!)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Vivi, Seeing your beautiful face on my blog makes me so very happy. And your scenario about choking on an olive in front of Stephen King is precisely why I don't eat them. (!)

Unknown said...

I enjoyed this post and all the fab pics! Thanks for sharing with us :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Nicole, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ;-)

Stacia Kelly said...

Hmm, I didn't get an email that you'd posted..pouts...but I understand.

LOVE THE EVENT. And, so glad your sister is there to help you and go with you. I've had a hell week for different reasons, but same response to similar situation. Darn that stress response.

I've got your back. You know that. And I am SO in awe of your musical talent. I took vocal lessons just to sing with Nick during Karaoke night....Yes, I'm a dork.

*grins and curls up around you with a baseball bat for the evil stress demons that are plaguing us both, even if they're different demons"

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