Monday, November 30, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'm finally back home after being out of town for a week and a half. As much as I love traveling and visiting family and friends, I really, really love being home.

They say "Home is where the heart is," and I believe this is true. It's also true that "Home is where my kitties are," and I'm slightly out of sorts (more so than usual) when I'm not with them.

Here are a few pics of my visit to Denver. Some of the highlights included a party my family threw for me in honor of my receiving agent representation, getting to see my writer BFF, Julie, and, of course, spending time with my 11-week old niece, Devyn Rae.

What is it you love about your home? What is it that makes you love it more than any other place on earth? What, if anything, would you change if you could?

Here's a link to my first "official" interview after signing with an agent. And here's a link to Writer's Digest where I'm also featured.

Also, as promised, my next post will be about how it felt to sign the agent/author contract (which I've reviewed via email and will receive in the mail this week) and what it was like to receive my first "Editorial Notes" from my agent.


Ruthanne Reid said...

I know I said it before, but your niece? Treasure!cute. My goodness me.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, I know I'm biased, but I couldn't agree more. ;-)

Paul Greci said...

Yes, I love being home. So many wonderful things about Alaska. The hardest part about living here is the distance I have to travel to see family.

Glad you had a great trip. Now, I'm gonna go check out that interview!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Paul, I bet Alaska is amazingly beautiful! I hope to one day find out for myself. Thanks for checking out the interview. ;-)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Such a cutie! These are great pictures. I'm glad you had such a nice trip.

Mystery Writing is Murder

The Peach Tart said...

Glad you enjoyed your holiday. I always love coming home too.

WendyCinNYC said...

Welcome home!

Great interview--QueryTracker was one of my favorite tools when I was searching for an agent.

MeganRebekah said...

I totally agree! Traveling is a blast and I love seeing new places, but nothing beats coming home :)

(and what a beautiful niece you have!!)

nsiyer said...

Home, sweet home and nothing like home. I agree. Read your interview Debra and got inspired to renew my committment to write a book.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elizabeth, She is such a love bug! I miss her already. There's something about babies that is so miraculous...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Deborah, Coming home is the best! It's the place where you "belong."

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Wendy, I agree - Query Tracker was one of my favorite tools while researching agents. It's simply a great sight. I'm so glad I was able to "join" you in the Success Stories section!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

MR, Thank you so much! She is a beauty, but I know I'm biased.

And, I'm with you - I love traveling! There's so much to see in this amazing world. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

nsiyer, If I'm inspiring you, then I'm doing something right. Go out and write that book!

gayle said...

Love to travel but home is were my grandson, husband and daughters glad I did most of my travel when I was younger!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, "Sanctuary" - that totally sums it up. I'm glad you've finally found yours - it is indeed a great blessing. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Gayle, Family = home. Good for you for traveling when you were younger. I've done some traveling, but not nearly what I'd like. Hopefully, these next few years will bring me to many of the places I've always dreamed of visiting. ;-)

Julie said...

It was wonderful seeing you and getting to hold Miss Devyn. Your family was amazing and big thanks to Michelle for sharing her beautiful baby with your BFF.

When I first moved away, a friend told me that it would take at least two years before I felt at home here. And she was absolutely right. When I flew back into town yesterday, I was home. And my house was a dear friend. And my pups, curled up on their blankets, were perfect. And I could breathe and be just who I am. That's what home is to me.

Elspeth Futcher said...

I'm glad you had such an enjoyable trip; and your niece is adorable. Home is wonderful, isn't it?


Voidwalker said...

Welcome back! I'm looking forward to that post about the agent/signing.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, It was awesome seeing you as well! I'm sure your pups were thrilled to have you back "home" where you belong. I can't wait to see you again soon... :-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elspeth, Yes, home is wonderful. And holding my niece in my arms is what life's all about. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

VW, Thanks - it's good to be back, and I promise -that post is coming!

injaynesworld said...

Just read your WD piece. Congratulations on getting an agent. I remember the thrill I got when I got my first agent as a television writer. I look forward to following your progress and writing here on your blog.

Best wishes, Jayne

mo.stoneskin said...

So many things I love about home. The smell, my books, the chair I always read in. But no kitties, and if I'm honest, I quite like that...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jayne, So glad you found me! It is exciting - I'm still dancing on Cloud 9 about it, especially due to the awesomeness of my agent. I look forward to getting to "know" you. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Mo, No kitties? You don't know what you're missing. But books and chair, right on!

Kelly H-Y said...

What an awesome time!!! Love the pictures ... thanks for sharing them. And, how sweet of your family to throw a celebration in your honor - - love it!!! Congrats again! Glad you had a great trip!

Jemi Fraser said...

Devyn is a cutie :)

For me home is about the people and being able to relax and truly be myself :)

Fragrant Liar said...

Welcome home! Can't wait to see your YA book in print. Congrats again on that, and how fun to have a celebratory event in honor of being agented. Cool!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Congratulations on your recent successes especially the agent. I am excited for you!!!!

May I live through you for awhile! Just for two or three minutes? :)

Isn't your niece so very precious?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, I'm so glad you liked the pics, and yes, my family rocks to have honored me with such an awesome dinner. Celebrating achievements together is a great family joy. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, Devyn is a cutie!! And I love your definition of home as being a place where you feel relaxed and totally yourself. Beautiful. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

FL, Thanks so much for your kind words. "Can't wait to see your YA book in print." From your lips to Buddha's ears!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

JL, Thanks so much!

"May I live through you for awhile! Just for two or three minutes?"


"Isn't your niece so very precious?"


Jennifer Shirk said...

I know what you mean! I love my home, too. It's my sanctuary. :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jennifer, I love the word "sanctuary" to describe "home." It hits all the marks. ;-)

Beth said...

Looks like you had a great time! Welcome home!

We have a plaque hanging on our wall that says "Home is where your story begins." I kind of like that. :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Beth, What a great plaque! I'll have to keep an eye out for that one. ;-)

Aidan Donnelley Rowley said...

Late to this party, but welcome home! Can't wait for your next post. I want to hear more!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Aidan, How the heck are you? I'm glad I'm home, too, since it's my favorite place to be. And, yes, there will be a new post soon, I promise. ;-)

Suzette Saxton said...

Loved the WD interview!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

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