First of all, let's hear a round of wild applause for
Daisy Whitney! She graciously led a beginner's YA class here, and I, for one, am much wiser for it. In addition to her instruction, she sent me five YA books to read:
The Opposite of Love and
After You by
Julie Bauxbaum;
Perfect You by
Elizabeth Scott,
Cracked Up To Be by
Courtney Summers, and
Twenty Boy Summer by
Sarah Ockler. As soon as I finish
Allison Winn Scotch's
Time of My Life and my own new YA novel, I'm going to dive in to these tasty gems headfirst.
We actual

ly played two "shows" (and I use the term "show" loosely) this week. The first was at my honey's work, and the second was last night when we had the good fortune to play the
Diving Cat Studio & Gallery again. The picture on the left is me waiting for our roadies to come help haul in the equipment where my honey works. Oh, wait! I forgot.
We are the roadies!
The other pics

are from the Diving Cat. Have I told you how amazing that

place is? I haven't? Well, it's
amazing! We tried out some new/old songs like "Heaven" by the Psychedelic Furs and "Never Comes the Day" by the Moody Blues. Here I am with my friend, Joanne's cowboy hat. What do you think, should I move to Wyoming and buy a horse? No? You guys are smarter than I give you credit for.

plowing through my YA novel at breakneck speed, however I'm up to a very delicate point in the story. The main character, who has a particular gift/power just found out her boyfriend has a power that could weaken or even kill her. She has to decide whether or not to go forward with the relationship and how to keep his power at bay. Plus, there's the matter of New Year's Eve and the Senior Prom. You have to have a date for things like that, right? Damn, life can get complicated! (Yup, that's my son, Ethan, and his beautiful girlfriend Meghan at their prom in May. Please don't ask me what was up with the Unibomber shades...)
IN EVEN MORE NEWS...I'm heading to Denver on

Tuesday for a whirlwind week with my family. I'll finally get to meet my new niece, Devyn Rae, and fawn all over her. I'm duly prepared with a few choice additions to her already Paris Hilton-rivaling wardrobe. Also, my family and I will be entertaining my parents on Saturday night at a party to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. The theme is the 1950's, so be prepared to see pics of me in a poodle skirt upon my return. (By "prepared," I mean you may want to slip something 40-proof in your coffee before viewing the pics. Don't say I didn't warn you.) I'll also be having lunch with some writing types including the woman who led a workshop at the Backspace Conference in May, my editor on a previous novel, and possibly an agent.
Also, I'm hoping to have another very special guest appearance on my blog in the next week or so, so stay tuned for that...So, tell me, my friends, what books are you reading or looking forward to reading?
Have a great time in Denver!
Susan, I'm sure I will. I'll blog about it when I get back. ;-)
Have a great trip. Glad that the YA book is progressing, it must be hard to write something so much different than your usual fare.
You are flying through that YA - it must be right up your alley. Enjoy your time in Denver, especially with your neice. Nothing better :)
Ken, You know, it's not hard at all! That's the crazy thing. This book is flowing more easily than anything I've ever written. It's a magical process for sure... ;-)
Jemi, I can't wait to hold that little butterbean in my arms! I might have to sneak her in my luggage when I return home.
I'm hoping to get a copy of 'The Forest of Hands and Teeth'by Carrie Ryan with this gift card I have and read that in the next couple of days!
That club ya'll played out has the best name EVER!! ...and ur hubs still looks like a college lit professor I know...maybe they're twins!!
Ur son and his girlfriend are cuties! And-I like the uni-bomber glasses! Nobody will mess with you if u look like that! :)
Last thing- Can I come be ur band groupie?! I already have the groupie nickname-Penny Lane! :)
HUG ur niece for me!
What an exciting week ahead of you! Have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear all about it. While you're dancing it up a la Grease style, I'll be up to my elbows in boxes and packing tape. Friday is our moving day. Good luck with your possible agent and in determining the fate of your YA characters. Sounds exciting! Maybe your Denver adventures will inspire you further. I'm hoping my new zip code will kick start my writing. We shall see.... Cheers to you my friend! (p.s. - thanks again for that award you gave me awhile back. I finally passed it on)
Pen Pen, You can do whatever you want whenever you want to. I'm in awe of your awesome awesomeness. ;-)))
Mandy, Good luck with the move. They say there's nothing more stressful. At least, you're heading for sunshine and surf!! I'll post pics of my trip and especially my new niece upon my return.
Have a great time in Denver. Seems your life is most full right and the creative juices flowing. YA is not my area so admire that you're tackling something new.
Reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Although it is hard for me to quit a book before I'm finished, I think I pretty much know how this one is headed.
MJ, Thanks - Denver will be fun, at least if I don't think about the party preparation part. PP&Z has been flying off the shelves. If you get a chance, let me know what you think.
Hey, that there story sounds pretty interesting. Just like the stuff I usually read (as long as the romanctical parts aren't too mushy).
Ray, They're definitely not too mushy. It's more psychological drama than physical. Maybe you could beta read it when I'm done...??
Actually my answer was 'yes', as in given the photo 'yes you should move to Wyoming (not that I know where that is) and buy a horse'.
mo, Maybe I should reconsider. After all, like Katy Perry, I rode a horse and I liked it... Plus, I do like wearing cowboy hats. Hmmm.
Have a great time in Denver! That sounds like a fun party. I love theme parties.
In terms of books, I just finished Sima's Undergarments for Woman, which was so good I blogged about it. Now I'm re-reading Flannery O'Connor and thinking about what novel to tackle next.
Wendy, I'm sure Denver will be fun. I'm not normally a theme party kind of gal, but I plan on having as much fun as a person can have wearing a poodle skirt. ;-)
Blazing through Catching Fire.
I like The Moody Blues.
I also like Wyoming, but in smallish doses. I could never live there. I look stupid in a cowboy hat.
Paul, I think you're wrong. I think you'd look great in a cowboy hat.
OMG, you and Chuck are absolutely ADORABLE! You're so perfect together.
Speaking of perfect, I can't tell you how many times I thought of your kick-ass bod last weekend as my mother was stuffing cake and brownies down my throat. (Okay, she didn't have to twist my arm too much.) You're my inspiration to take off a few pounds. You understand.
Have fun in Denver! XOXO
Linda, You are FAR TOO KIND!!! Stop it!!! And, boy do I love my cake, cookies, and brownies! I plan on having a blast in Denver. I will definitely post and give everyone an update. Hugs to you, as always. ;-)
Glad to hear your gig went well! LOL at the pic of you waiting for your roadies!
I'm working on our latest book club offering, The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow. It's slow going, but good...oh, the words I'm learning!! I love a good challenge.
Safe travels! Hugs, Beth
What a fun post...love all the photos! Have a fun time in Denver, and email me if you'll be in CO past the wkend.
Beth, You are one of the smartest people I know. Why? Because you have a thirst for knowledge that is unquenchable. Amen to you, sista, for bringing on the issues!
Anita, Glad you like the pics. We're there Tues eve - Mon morning. It's a pretty quick trip, otherwise I would have let you know. I truly hope one of these trips we will meet!
i'm reading denise hunter's Seaside Letters. just devoured Jenny B. Jones first book breaking out of YA...Just Between You and Me. fantastic reads, both of them!
I wanted to let you know about my blog address change. *sigh* If you're following me, my posts now won't show up in your feed, dashboard, sidebar, whatever. So please forgive me, but you'll have to change the address for my main writing blog, Where Romance Meets Therapy, to http://jeanniecampbell.blogspot.com. To do this, you have to "unfollow" me and follow me again. Sorry for the confusion!
The Character Therapist
Jeannie, Thanks for letting me know what you're reading, both books sound interesting. I'll have to check them out. Also, I'll be sure to make the changes for your blog. ;-)
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