Monday, March 15, 2010

SUBLIMINAL MONDAY: Writing in Bed - The Glamorous Life or Before, After - WOW! What a Difference!

Here I am sitting in bed and writing. So what else is new? Sometimes I think I should get a life, but then I realize this is the life I've dreamed of and purposefully crafted for myself. [What the hell was I thinking?]

Right now, I'm biding my time waiting for AA to get edits to me on Draft #3. They're taking more time than usual, probably due to the fact my writing is so incredible that there are like a gazillion nice things for her to comment on. [Did I mention I just saw a big, purple elephant fly across my room?] Or perhaps she's busy warming up prospective editors to my masterpiece by sending them round-trip tickets to exotic lands like Tahiti and Bora Bora. Either way, I know 100% of her time is being spent on me, me, me and not on her other boring [far more brilliant and less demanding] clients. This knowledge makes me practically giddy! [Firstborns are a bunch of self-involved, annoying brats!]

As my sister, Laurie, says, "Before, after - WOW! What a difference!" I bet you're wondering what's going on with my bedroom? Did you lose sleep over it all week? Sleep/bedroom, get it? [Not funny. No one cares.] Well, since you asked, you'll be pleased to know I've come a long way in the past week. Here are actual before and after pics of my progress so far. (Helpful Hint: If you click on the individual pics, you will see them super-sized, including my kitty, Dusty, and the mountains of tissues in my trash can - bonus!) If you prefer the "before" pic, lie. After all the time and money I spent, I can't let honey know people prefer the bedroom the way it was. That would be bad. Very bad, do you hear me? [Um, you're yelling. How could we not hear you?] The "red" room was fine, I was just tired of it. It screamed out for a new, updated look. I swear the bedroom actually yelled, "HELP! Someday, save me from myself! All this red is making me crazy! Seems my bedroom's a bit of a drama queen. [Correction: The bedroom's female resident is the drama queen. Duh.] I'm quite pleased with the "blue" room. In five years from now [two, tops], I'm sure I'll be ready for another change. Until then, I'm going to luxuriate in my new spa boudoir - relaxing, meditating, and - as my dear friend, Stacia at Sybir St. John, put it - having slow, tantric sex. I'm sure honey will be thrilled by that part, after all it has the word "sex" in it. [Tantric, shmantric. He's a guy. Any kind of sex will do.]

Here's the sad news: I'm suffering from a nasty cold. I've been trying to beat this sucker down with a baseball bat, Vitamin C, and Zicam for the past week, to no avail. It's my honey's fault. [Isn't it always? I mean, wasn't labor and delivery of two children enough?] He apparently took this "sharing" thing a little too far, so now drastic measures are in order: no tantric-or-any-other-kind-of-sex for at least a week. [Seriously? Like that's a punishment? Why not try something different!] The only upside to this nasty cold business is realizing how awesome it is when you're well.

Since I love you, my faithful and very dear followers, I'm going to climb precariously out on a limb and make the following declaration: I hereby promise to post a vlog of myself playing guitar and singing an original song before summer arrives. [Gee, thrilling. We're so excited.] I feel it's important to give back to the community, so I dost bestow a song unto thee. [And then I will part the Seas, saith the Lord. Amen.] After all, I didn't rip my fake fingernails off for nothing, did I? [In the meantime, here's a link to my musical MySpace site. Enjoy!]

So, my little snowflakes, tell me which boudoir you prefer, and send your cold remedies my way. [I've heard chocolate cures the common cold, so I may try a chocolate-only diet for the next few days. I'll report back next week.]

Until then, may peace, love, and general grooviness be yours.


Kimberly Franklin said...

I love, love, love your new bedroom! The blue room totally rocks!!! Now I want a blue room just like that [thanks a lot, Debra!]!

As for cold remedies.... I have none. Let me know if the chocolate diet works [your box of chocolate should arrive today!]!!

Happy Monday!

CKHB said...

I GENUINELY prefer the blue room! The red is nice, but a little too hotel-y. The blue seems more like real people must live there... of course, real people who have WAY more style than I do. Our bedroom doesn't even reach hotel decoration status...

Laurie Lazar said...

I say, "Befoa, afta, WOW! what a difference!"

(NY accent is important here)

Love that you are switching things up, but even more than that, I'm thrilled that you actually listen to your little sista and take my words of wisdom to heart to guide your life.

Stacia Kelly said...

Oooh, I got a shout out! From the writer me: I know, I know, now everyone is grinning about Tantric Sex thoughts ;)

Loving the blue. It does have that spa feel to it. And I have to agree the red had more of a hotel feel to least from the pictures. And hey, if you're using the room to write in, sometimes you just gotta make a change. (We just did the same thing to the office...but ADDED the red wall ;))

From the DR me: Cold - as much vitamin C as you can handle, every hour. Sleep. Saline rinse for a stuffed up nose. And, sleep.

*sending lots of positive healing thoughts your way*

Ruthanne Reid said...

Bedroom looks absoluely LOVELY! I know I'd like to work in an atmosphere like that. Kitty clearly approves, too.

And I can't wait for the live music vlog. :D That photo with the tambourine is awesome.

kristina said...

Just to be original, I'm skipping the boudoir comments because as long as there's tantric sex, who the hell cares what it looks like - and 'cause at my age, the lights have to be off anyway...

LOVE the Karma Chain, which sounds so much like 1/2 my musical library. Holy crikey lady, write, sing, AND make me smile? I think you must be one of those goddesses my son is reading about in his post-Percy reading frenzy.

As for the tissues, good job getting them in the basket. I'm not related to anyone who actually has that skill (looks like my basketball playing prowess did not cross the placenta barrier) in my house, so I was especially pleased to see you do such a good job with the "catch nose dribble and shoot for the basket."

We all know the only thing that really works for a cold is sleep. Although if you find curative properties in chocolate, please let us know! In the meantime, a big nap is just what you need missy. (And maybe some soup and toast with honey which my mom always plied my sick little self with.)

Sending you cold-free vibes.... :)

Elspeth Futcher said...

Sending you get well wishes and hopes you'll soon be back groovin'. My general way of dealing with colds is to mope about moulting kleenexes whilst moaning and complaining. It helps me, but I don't think others find it helpful to be around.

Marisa Birns said...

Your blue bedroom is quite lovely and the color is more conducive to good sleep.

Red is wonderful but it's supposed to spice up the appetite...for food!

Have a friend who swears that drinking a small glass of brandy mixed with honey works wonders on colds.

Maybe that and your soothing blue room will let you sleep off that cold.

Anonymous said...

Both versions look stunning, but the blue is (as others have said) refreshing. Go you!

As far as colds go, time is the only cure. But you can still have chocolate if it makes you feel better. ;)

Laura Eno said...

Actually, your new bedroom 'do looks a lot like your new blog 'do. I like it!
I was especially pleased to note that there was nothing reflected in the mirror on your photos...
Have you ever seen the ebay photo of the dining room table for sale where the guy snapping the picture - naked - was captured in the mirror? :)

gael lynch said...

This is a hard act to follow, girl! Tantric sex? Jeesh. Don't let my husband even see that book!! I, of course, do love the blue room for the very reason you were going with that--peace and calm. And as for the cold...Trader Joe's sells 'emergenC', little massively dosed packets of vitamin C that you mix with water. REALLY works. Feel better!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

I've read all the comments and am loving all the input! I've been somewhat down for the count with this [annoying as sh*t] cold, but please know I appreciate your wonderful words. ;-)

comma girl said...

I love the new blue room. Blue and brown are so classic and peaceful. But I did love the red room too. I just think the blue is more peaceful. Great job!

Angela Corbett said...

Love the new bedroom! And I'm excited for the video of you singing and playing the guitar! Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie! All's well here and congratulations on the agent business! That's so exciting!

Love your redecorating and, yes, definitely get a neti pot. Lol!


koralee said...

Oh how I adore your new bedroom...pure inspiration my friend....but you know how I love blue. Have a great week. xoxo

Broke But Still Drinking said...

I'll bet you don't let your husband eat in bed. It's a known fact, wives who allow their husbands to eat in bed have a 75% less chance of catching the common cold.

gayle said...

Love the blue room and can't wait to see the vlog!!

Meghan Ward said...

BOTH of your rooms make me want to go shopping for curtains and bedspreads! But I do like the blue one better. You and Kimberly are quite the interior designers!

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