Monday, January 4, 2010

SUBLIMINAL MONDAY - FIRST EDITION! On Writing a New Book [Important Stuff]

I've decided to make SUBLIMINAL MONDAY a regular part of my repertoire. [Cue wild cheering.] Just so you now, said "subliminal messages" will appear within said brackets [ ]. I love saying "said" - it sounds so proper/elegant/formal [stupid], so if you prefer not to read these messages or feel they are "of the devil" [freak!], please feel free to skip over these [important] messages. (Did you catch the "message" in the picture above?)

I have no one but myself to blame [LiteraryJules] for this brilliant idea. [What the hell have I got myself into?] I don't have any "regular" features on my blog because I like to be spontaneous - it keep things fresh and interesting [allows for frequent naps]. In lo [that's the first time I've used "lo" in a sentence] my many years of blogging [15 months], I've never felt compelled to have structure. I mean, why bother? It's like so totally constricting, dude! [Like, OMG, I hate rules!] But, 2010 is MY year [humor me, I'm a first-born], so I figured, why the hell not? [Great point!]

For the first installment of SUBLIMINAL MONDAY, I've decided to discuss my shiny new work in progress. It's a "companion piece" to THE SECRET KEEPER, which means it's not a sequel, but a related story with some of the same characters. I know this term because I'm a savvy writer. [Julie Nelson told me. It was news to me.]

Writing my new book is a [crap shoot] process. Here are the three main steps I take to insure mega-awesomeness when writing:

First of all, I am completely organized, creative, and available for surprises. I always [never] have a detailed outline which I follow to a tee. [You can't follow something that doesn't exist.]

Secondly, I meditate for at least ten minutes before each writing session. [If you believe that, I've got some swamp land in Jersey we should discuss...] This allows my muse to stop whatever she's doing [playing polo in the English countryside with Prince Henry, perhaps?] and locate me. I find that meditation is good for the soul as well as the writing portion of the brain ["writing portion of the brain" BWAHAHAHA!], so I always take time and nurture my meditation skill. [It takes no skill to meditate. You close your eyes and try not to fall asleep. Any Joe Six Pack can do it.]

Lastly, I sit down at my computer - I call her Jezebel - [yeah, she's as hot /creepy as Bette Davis] and start writing. This is the wonderful piece of the artistic process where I let my mind wander freely to create exciting, beautiful, magical worlds with fascinating, never-before-imagined characters [there's no such thing as an original thought]. As the words flow seamlessly [like pulling a 300-lb guerrilla around by it's teeth] my noble dream of novel-writing begins to take shape. If you've never tried it, you should. It's a holy experience. [Particularly if you're a masochistic sociopath.]

I hope you've found this first edition of SUBLIMINAL MONDAY helpful. I know I've enjoyed writing it. [I got up early for this? What? You mean 10:30AM isn't early?] I hope you'll spread the word and visit "Write on Target" every Monday for the rest of your  natural life. That's not too much to ask, is it? [I like to keep my goals realistic. In 2010, I plan on being crowned Miss America and piling (at least) 100 million dollars in the bank.]

Happy New Year to all! Thanks for making 2009 special. I can't wait to see what we all accomplish in 2010!

[No, seriously, I mean it. Thanks so much. You guys ROOOCCCKKK!!!!!! ;-)]


Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

I don't follow an outline either. (Less stress if I end up not following it.) I think I'm going to LOVE Subliminal Mondays.

mo.stoneskin said...



I have the phrase "What the hell have I got myself into?" looping round my mind n a vicious cycle of death. I can't snap out of it...

...are you SURE this subliminal thing has no known side effects like, I dunno, madness?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jessica, I hope you do [end up loving Subliminal Monday]!

Daisy Whitney said...

Oooh, companion novel! I like the sound of that!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

mo, I'm pretty sure I have complete mind control over you now. [BRING ME CHOCOLATE!] At least, that's what it said in the book, "Taking Over Other People's Minds Through Subliminal Messages." [There's no such book by that name.]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Daisy, I know, isn't that cool? Maybe they can date or something. [Books dating is a stupid idea.]

Ruthanne Reid said...

Definitely helpful. :D I'm glad to see we have SOME of the same patterns. ;)

10:30 is early. Let no one tell you otherwise.

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Even though I'm a disciplined, Type A, first born, perfectionist...I do not write outlines, manuals on how to proceed with my story...The story just happens and the characters direct me in the way to go! It's always an exciting adventure to see where they lead me!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, I'm glad we have a similar understanding of "time." ;-))

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Donna, "The story just happens and the characters direct me in the way to go! It's always an exciting adventure to see where they lead me!" Here, here!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Oh I KNOW I will! =)

Elspeth Futcher said...

I love this new feature {jealous I didn't think of it]. I do have an outline. It may not be pages, but it's there. I find if I don't know the order of events then I go around in circles. I write mysteries. I can't write the beginning and the middle if I don't know the end. [of course actually writing the end is another matter entirely]


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elspeth, When I wrote MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE, all I knew was who got whacked. About 1/3 of the way through I figured out who did it, and towards the end I figured out with what weapon. I LOVED writing it. In fact, I started the follow-up but got side-tracked w/my YA novel. I hope to finish MURDER ON SONGBIRD LANE one of these days. All I know so far is who got killed and who did it. I still don't know with what and where. The suspense is killing me! [No, not literally.]

Angela Corbett said...

LOL! You are so funny! And I learned something new, Companion Piece. I had no idea there was a fancy name for it.

Kimberly Franklin said...

No. You rock! I love, love love subliminal Monday! Best. Idea. Ever! [Because you love getting up so early to entertain us.]

Thanks for being so funny! Well, guess I'm off to let the words flow seamlessly [drag around my 300lb gorilla by it's teeth] and fool myself into thinking [with the writer's portion of my brain] just how freakin' good I am!

[Subliminally] You've given me something to look forward too on Monday!

Julie said...

I'm so glad I badgered you into Subliminal Mondays! Great job! I'm off to meditate... I mean write.


Sandra Leigh said...

I'm very glad that you've decided to make Subliminal Monday a regular feature. It makes me giggle, and that's a good thing.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angela, Good thing I'm here to educate you, huh? [Julie Nelson is the one with the cool info.]

Jemi Fraser said...

I [really] enjoyed your post :) Lots of [silly] fun!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kimberly, Glad you liked it! [Great, now I have to come up w/funny bits once a week. God help me.]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Julie, I'm so glad you talked me into Subliminal Mondays! [This is SO all your fault!!!]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sandra, So glad I made you giggle! [No, seriously, that makes me smile, too!]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll do my best to continue to bring on the fun. ;-) [What on Earth have I gotten myself into?]

Fragrant Liar said...

Heh, heh. You said "accomplish." I specifically rejected the notion that I might actually accomplish something this year. Like finishing the editing/rewriting portion of my completed romantic comedy, or digging into the second rom-com that I've already actually completely mapped out, chapter by chapter per NIP Bootcamp, or just writing fresh that wacky paranormal series. No, if I accomplish anything this year regarding my goal of becoming a professional PAID novelist, it will be purely by accident.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

FL, Maybe you could accidentally make sure you become a published PAID novelist this year? [Go FL, you can do it!]

jmartinlibrary said...

I found this post somewhat amusing [I loved it, okay? I laughed til my cheeks hurt. You know it. I know it. Are you happy now?]

Thanks for brightening my day [making me feel less suicidal over my rejections]!


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Debbie, you are so funny [really funny]. I'm glad your companion piece is going well [shoot, I wish I'd finish my MG.] I write complete outlines too [jot down ideas on paper or in a microphone.] I'm sure meditation and yoga are a great way to find your muse [I like to kick and hit things twice a week.] I'm so glad 2010 is going to be your [my] year.

Happy New Year!

Dana Elmendorf said...

Lots of giggles, that was fabulous, I'll be back.

Jody Hedlund said...

Happy New Year, Debra! Hope all your dreams come true, especially becoming Miss America! ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

jml, I'm so glad I made you laugh! Laughter is a major key to happiness, so keep it up.

[Seriously, look in the mirror and stick your tongue out or something. Do it! Right now! Are you laughing? Good. ;-)]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sharon, Happy New Year to you, too. I am convinced 2010 is a pivotal year in the growth of the world. [That includes us.] ;-))

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

GWOE, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it and that you'll be back. [No, really. I'm totally psyched!]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jody, Yeah, I'm practicing the runway walk. It's not as easy as it looks! [Happy New Year wishes right back atcha!]

Jenni James said...

LOLOLOL! You ROCK! You totally had me cracking up! I LOVED THIS!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jenny, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I always love seeing your smiling face in my comment section! {You're the bomb.]

Debbie said...

I have always felt so sorry for my kids having to do outlines in school. I never could do them. So, does anyone do them?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Debbie, I've never been an outline girl myself, but a lot of people swear by them. [To each their own, but, of course, they're wrong!]

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

love the meditation. ommmmmmm

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Shelli, Meditation is key to all things peaceful, which is exactly why I should do it more often!

jdsanc said...

Love you. Love your blog. Have to tell you that right off. I always get a great visual and a great laugh. Love visiting. And especially now, on Mondays!
Thanks Rocking Girl!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Judith, Thank you for your kind words - I 'get' it. And, I hope your birthday was everything you deserve it to be. You are a very special lady. [True story.] ;-)

Kasie West said...

LOL I love your subliminal messages. They make me laugh. For the life of me I can't see the hidden message in the flower pic though. Am I looking too hard?

Voidwalker said...

You seriously crack me up. But really, I better get back to work before my boss asks me what I'm doing [like she'll notice, she's consumed in her selfish world]. j/k :P

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kasie, Ask your husband. It'll probably pop right out at him. [Hint. Hint.]

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

VW, I'm glad you find my slightly "off" brand of humor amusing. [Slightly off? She's one pistachio away from the nut house!]

Kelly Polark said...

Love the brackets [really, I do].
Happy New Year to you.
I am doing really [not] well on my new year's goals so far. Lots of [fudge] carrots and revisions on my [facebook page] wip!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, You crack me up, gf! [You really do!] It's not too late to make your 2010 goals come true. [Seriously, we're not even a week in yet.] GO FOR IT! [And, pass me the damn FUDGE!!!]

Nathan Carriker said...

Better late than never [why bother] I show up! Love the idea [jealous as hell you thought of it first] and can't wait to see what you come up with tomorrow [secretly wonder if you'll last longer than Conan did]

Keep it going, girl! Funny shtuff! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I very much immensly enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!
Let me know what you think about my writings regarding hypnotherapy.

Jerome Knight said...

Jenny, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I always love seeing your smiling face in my comment section! {You're the bomb.]

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