Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please Help the Beautiful People of Haiti

Pray for the people of Haiti. Let's get together, People of the Earth, and do what we can in the midst of disaster. Here are a few links that will take you directly to places where you can donate money and other necessary items:

Red Cross
Or: Text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate. 100% of your $10 donation passes through to the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Your cell carrier keeps nothing.
Together we can make a difference.

Thanks y'all.


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Right there with you, friend. I posted on this tonight too. My husband and I have a friend that adopted a teenage girl from Haiti just over a year ago. He and his wife are in the process of adopting her sister (it's a long process). They both were living at an orphanage. I posted a link on my blog that people can make donations to. Thankfully, Rozette's sister and the children at her orphanage are okay.

Jemi Fraser said...

The Red Cross building is pretty close to my work, so I stopped there on the way home today to make a donation. It was crowded and I had to wait. It's one of the few times I get really excited by having a big line in front of me.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sharon, I love hearing about people adopting teenagers - that's such a rare and generous gift. Thanks for posting on your blog as well. I love how the goodness in people comes out tenfold in times of a crisis. That's when we really "get" that we are all one.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, Good for you for you and everyone else for waiting in that line! It feels good to know we're each doing something to help those in dire need. ;-)

Paul Michael Murphy said...

I have a student from Haiti. Most of her family still lives there.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Paul, Are they all okay?

Voidwalker said...

I've been praying for them and I'm bringing it up with my kids so we are all lifting it up in prayer. My soon to be father in law also works for the Red Cross, so I'm going to be talking to him soon about efforts and if there's anything I might be able to do beyond donation $$.

Anonymous said...

I trust Mercy Corps to help the people of Haiti. I know several people who volunteer with them. Here's their mission: "Mercy Corps exists to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities."

Please do what you can.

Debbie said...

I donated to ARC right after I heard. What devastation.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

VW, First of all, congrats on your pending nuptials. Secondly, good for you for talking to your kids, praying, and donating. If your soon-to-be FIL has any additional info on how we can help, please let me know.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Thanks for the info on Mercy Corps. Will add the link to this post.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Debbie, You're a doll. Thanks for donating. The American Red Cross is an amazing organization.

Nick Kelly said...

You are all doing good things by donating. I am happy to hear of your generosity and that you have trustworthy organizations you work with already.

Be ready in the near future for the scammers. Social engineering is the biggest threat in online security (no, it's not Windows). Send donations through channels you trust, regardless of some claims you may see pop up in the next few days.

Our thoughts are with the families, survivors and workers in Haiti.

All the best,

Stephanie Thornton said...

I just came over from Jemi's blog and will be back. Your blog is great.

I love hearing of people donating to Haiti. I was there a few years back and sent money to Doctors Without Borders, the first time I've donated to their agency.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, Yup.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Nick, I agree. That's why I only listed links I was sure about. Unbelievable to think people would take advantage of disasters such as this, but there are those types out there. I trust most people will be smart in making their donations.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Stephanie, Welcome! Doctors Without Borders is an amazing group. My husband has considered joining. I think it would be an amazing experience.

It's comforting so see the millions of dollars collected within days to help the people of Haiti. Helping each other is what being a Citizen of the Earth is really all about.

I look forward to getting to know you. ;-)

Voidwalker said...

So I heard from my soon to be FIL (I like that acronym) and he's aparrently with the American Red Cross, which is a different beast altogether. He recommended that I just try donations through the International Red Cross and if I have any desire to get involved personally, to begin volunteering for the American Red Cross locally and considering what opportunities they have in disaster relief.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

VW, Thanks so much for the update. Greatly appreciated. ;-)

Fragrant Liar said...

Donating via text is the best invention since flat-screen TVs. If everybody did that, can you imagine what we could solve? Money does solve a lot of problems, no matter what country you live in.

nsiyer said...

Very disturbing. But that's nature.
I will make it a point to reach them in some form.

Kristin Rae said...

I love that so many people are doing what they can for Haiti. It warms my heart! I'm still waiting to hear news about my sponsor child, but I THINK she lived farther north of the affected area.

On a lighter note, you've won an award!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these links, Debra. Terrifying to watch the news on this.

All the best,

from the desk of a writer

prashant said...

Most of her family still lives there.

Work from home

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