Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Baaaack!!!!

OMG! This past week was so utterly, totally, wildly, positively AMAZING that I hardly know where to begin. First of all, being a complete dork, I accidentally left my laptop at home. That turned out to be a good thing, however, since it caused me to focus strictly on the task at hand.

BEA was beyond miraculous. I pitched one-on-one to six agents, and all six asked for sample pages. That day was right up there with my wedding day, the days my kids were born, and all the times I've performed live with my band. That's how mega-spectacular it was. And Backspace rocked as well. I'm keeping this short, since I have a lot of sample pages to get out. There's a particularly wonderful agent who asked me for a full, so that's at the top of my list. I promise I'll write a complete update late tomorrow or Wednesday including pics. Until then, know I love and miss you all toooooo much.

(Sorry, I don't mean to be a tease. But being the anal-retentive freak that I am, I have to read through my ms one more time before I send it out. PLEASE understand!!!! Hugs to all...)


Traci said...

Welcome back!!!!! It was so quiet when you were gone! *snicker* I am so glad that you had a good time! And Woah...lots of agents interested in you! ;-)

Beth said...

Of course, we understand! And welcome back. I was thinking about you today, wondering how it went. I'm so happy to hear such a positive initial review, and looking forward to more! Hugs, Beth

Lynnette Labelle said...

I'm so excited for you! Congrats! Knock 'em dead!

Lynnette Labelle

Ray Veen said...

Debra! Do not read this comment! You should be poring over that MS with fanatical and feverish intensity... hey, are you still reading? Seriously, stop!

Kelly Polark said...

Congrats on a fun, productive time at BEA!! Get those pages out to those agents! Go!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Of course we understand! So glad it was a great time for you! Glad you are back. :)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Yahoo!! Don't fret too much - send those pages. And, please, do tell more when you get a chance.

Big Mark 243 said...

I thought of you a lot the past few days ... haven't gone to Target yet, but now I have an excuse!!

That was one thought, the other was for a story I want to write ... it is more like a profile, and I don't know 'how' to start it. I am going to interview the guy, take some notes, then put what I can together.

Congrats on all the positive feed back that you got!

Amy Sue Nathan said...

I was wondering when you'd be baaack! Can't wait to hear details...and to give a virtual toast to your success!

Vikki said...

OMG, I'm so excited to hear everything! Especially the pitch sessions. I hear those can be SCARY!!! Take your time. But hurry back!!!!!! I mean, no pressure. Are you back yet? Sorry...I have a problem with patience.

WendyCinNYC said...

Congrats on your success!

Chuck Schubert said...

I need to learn how to blog so next time I can hijack my wife's blog. Wouldn't that be fun?

I want to say how proud I am of you, honey. You are amazing!!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

yay you!!!!!

Angie Ledbetter said...

So glad it rocked, and congrats! (You got lots of good thoughts & prayers.) Can.not wait to hear details. Like...which query/pitch did you end up going with? Welcome home!

PS Mr. Chuck, I'll be glad to show you how to hijack the blog. LOL

Anonymous said...

Debbie, a full? Sounds like you are in like a good thing honey. :) You will be splendid! I've all digits crossed as well as my eyes. lol Psst! You've been missed.

Sage Ravenwood said...

I've been hearing a lot of great things about BEA the past few days. I will be interesting to get your take on it. Definitely understand you needing time to work on the writing. (Hugs)Indigo

Pen Pen said...

I'm SOOO excited for you!!
GO get working chick!! and make sure u sign my copy of ur book!-I'm gonna want it in hard copy! :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Hello everyone! I've been working on my ms all day and I'm only half-way done! I'm making small changes, but it still takes a lot of time and attention. I'll be sending my full out sometime tomorrow, so I'll post like a normal person again on Thursday. Thanks for your encouraging thoughts, words, and prayers. I don't take them lightly. Peace, love, and good health to all, Debbie;-)

jdsanc said...

Hopefully you made it through. I wanted to change everything and nothing. Crazy, huh? I swear if there were worry points, I'd be Tiger Magic Jordan. But post some more! I want to hear how everything went afterwords, pitching, the next few day. Everything.

Lilly said...

Oh my this is so exciting. You did good work girl!

nsiyer said...

I missed you and your post. Great comeback.

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