Sunday, January 4, 2009

Universal Growth & Evolution

"Keep on rocking, baby girl!"
Who knew that would be part of the last line to my novel, "Sparks Fly Sometimes?" I sure didn't. But, there it is. The final word count is about 74K - my goal was 72.5. I am so thrilled to be done! Of course, I've already started re-editing, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how few changes I'm making. I have one question, which I'll probably discuss with any agents who are interested, regarding whether to keep or delete my second chapter highlighting my mc's days as a high-school cheerleader and losing her virginity. Although, it's one of my favorites, I'm not sure if it should remain as strictly back story. Any suggestions?

Last night Chuck and I went out with our dear friends, Keith and Joanne. After a delicious dinner of French crepes and Chilean Carmenere wine, we stopped in at an amazing shop in Phoenixville called The Diving Cat Studio, As a gift for completing my book, Chuck bought me a silver bracelet with a Hamsa or Kabbalistic Hand on it representing a protective energy that attracts good luck, happiness, riches and good health. In the middle of the hand is a spiral reflecting universal growth and evolution. It is stunning in its simplicity and meaning. I will treasure it as a gift from my soul mate, and wear it as a way to attract good luck for my writing.

What are some of the rituals, superstitions or routines you do with regards to your writing?


SarahMarian said...

Happy new year, and mazel tov on writing that last sentence.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Killer last line. Did you start out with something similar (fireworks...real or that "fictional" scene of the young girl being robbed at the bar? LOL). Congrats on finishing. I'm editing/revising my 80,000+ word ms right now too. No specific rituals or superstitions about writing, just lots and lots of coffee. Write on!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sarah, Thanks, girlfriend! I have to admit, it felt almost too good to be legal. And, Happy New Year to you, too.

Angie, I'm so glad you can make the distinction between real life and fiction (tee-hee). If you must know, the first line is, "At the tender age of 10, I had an epiphany." I don't drink coffee, but I more than make up for it my consumption of soy chai tea lattes. Good for you on revising your current ms. I feel your pain, I mean pleasure.

Amy Sue Nathan said...

Like in Harry Met Sally...

I want what she's having!!

How do you write so quickly? How are you so efficient?

OK, my take on backstory is this -- if it's in the beginning of the story it might deter an agent, you can take it out and always, always, put it back. Can it go somewhere else? I don't advocate the use of flashbacks too much, but it could be effective if it is relevant later in the story. I cut out an entire chapter (it was Chapter 3) where the background to my MC's marriage is described. But I realized it did not add to the story at all. None of those details mattered. Your stuff could very well be different -- only you know.

You ARE a rock star!

(listened to one song so far, loved it!)

Ray Veen said...

With just the couple lines you've quoted, I'm getting the feeling that you have a really good book on your hands. Seriously.

So you've finished the first draft? That's crazy. You're the third writer whose blog I've been on this morning that's announced finishing a first draft.

Congratulations, Mrs. Schubert.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Amy, I'm leaning towards taking your advice on taking the chapter out, and I'm so glad you listened to our music! Which song did you hear?

Ray, Thanks, buddy. I really appreciate your good wishes. By the way, who's Mrs. Schubert? (Just kidding, but that always reminds me of Chuck's mom. I still feel weird when my son's friends call me that. I tell them to call me Debbie, but then that makes them feel weird!)

Elizabeth said...

Cheers to your last sentence. So good to finally birth the lump of clay huh?
As for me, no rituals. No superstions. Well, I do A LOT of visualizations and meditations. Tons. Even to the point where I past my name and photo on a book signing pamphlet for another author. But aside from that, nothing. Is that weird?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Elizabeth, If it works for you, it's not weird at all. Visualization is a great way to manifest the life you want. And, thanks for the kudos on my last sentence. This birthing process isn't all that different from another one I'm familiar with.

Chuck Schubert said...

Congratulations, honey!! You have been working so diligently on this, and I am very proud. Don't edit too, too much. Remember, Neil Young said the first take is usually the best....

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Thanks, hon. If that were the case I would have been done 13 years ago... (Kidding!) Are you trying to tell me I'm addicted to editing? Maybe I should try EA's 1-step program?

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