Monday, June 21, 2010

Graduation Day

One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands is, "Graduate" by Third Eye Blind. (Will the song live on long after we do?)

This post will be short and sweet. My baby graduated with honors from high school last week. He's been accepted to Penn State pre-med. I'm so proud of him on so many levels, I don't know where to begin. He's kind, compassionate, generous, honest, smart, talented (plays guitar in a band), ridiculously handsome, and is an amazing son, brother (per Adam), and boyfriend (per Meghan).

Here are a few pics from the joyous event that my Mom, Dad, sister Sharon, and brother-in-law David flew out from Denver to attend. The picture of the two handsome guys are my sons Adam and Ethan:


Amy Sue Nathan said...

Congrats! Bet it was a wonderful day!

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Congrats to the grad! What a memorable day! I remember when my oldest son graduated how much I cried with pride and joy!

Debbie said...

Congrats to you and your son. I wish him the best of success in college.

Ruthanne Reid said...

What a wonderful event! Great pics He really looks happy. Go Penn State!

Vikki said...

You must such a proud Mommy! Congratulations! Mine just graduated from his first year of preschool, and I still balled like a baby. Hopefully I can get a grip within the next 15 years! :>)

Chuck Schubert said...

I love that boy!! Thanks for posting, Deb. :-)


Super huge congrats to you and your baby! What a wonderful accomplishment for BOTH of you. Sounds like you raised a good one! :)


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Amy, Thanks and it was.

Donna, It was pretty amazing. Pride and joy fo' sho'.

Debbie, Thank you so much!

Karen, They are hunky, aren't they? They get their good looks from me, I mean, from their dad.

Ruthanne, He is happy. And so am I to be his mom.

Vivi, Don't let me be the one to tell you that the next 15 years will fly by faster than you can say, "Oh, my baby's all grown up!"

Chuck, Me, too, and you're welcome. ;-)

Tawna, Thanks so much, and yeah, we done good.

Lisa Gail Green said...

Congratulations! All those wonderful things that say who he is also say what an amazing mom you are.

Elspeth Futcher said...

Congratulations! I can imagine how proud you must be. This happens for me next year when my daughter graduates. Where does the time go?

Robin said...

Ah.... graduation. What a tremendous event. He looks so happy and proud (as do you all). What a glorious day. You will have fond memories of this for a long time to come.

Jeffe Kennedy said...

Big Congrats! You all look so happy!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Lisa, Aw, gee thanks. *amblushing*

Elspeth, Great question. As I wrote in a song a long time ago, "The days just seem to fade away, forever everywhere..."

Robin, It was a special day. I'm so proud of him for so many things. No blessings can ever match who he and his brother are for me.

Jeffe, Thank you, and we were/are happy. ;-))

Jemi Fraser said...

Great photos. Congrats - it's such a huge step :) Hope his future is smooth and happy!

Linda Pressman said...

Debra, congratulations on your son's graduation! He sounds like a great kid and that you did a good job - raising a well-rounded, kind young man! Good job.

prashant said...

What a wonderful event! Great pics He really looks happy. Go Penn State!
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Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Jemi, I hope his future is smooth and happy, as well!

Linda, He is a great kid. It pretty much blows my mind.

prashant, Go Penn State, indeed!!!

Linda G. said...

Congratulations! I can see why you're so proud. :)

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