It feels TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME, that's how it feels!
Did you get the deep, psychological meaning of those capital letters? Good. These pictures not only depict a writer signing a contract; they illustrate a dream coming true.
You may notice the address on my mailbox. Yes, I live on Twilight Circle where the murder in my last book took place. It's a scary neighborhood! Not really, but it is evidence that our ideas often arise (very!) close to home.
I can't wait to see pics like these from all of you waiting for "The Call." Have faith! It shall be. If you keep at it, your dreams will all come true. And I, for one, can't wait to see that happen. ;-)
There are different types of dreams that manifest in our lives. Here are lyrics to a song called, "Dream Come True" that my husband and I wrote after the birth of our first son, Adam:
for Adam, 1989 (and Ethan, 1992!)
Speak softly to me, my love, tell me the things you're dreaming of
Speak sweetly, my love, I see you come from up above
Since the day you came to me, I've found a world that's not the same
When you're looking up at me, well I can see!
You're a dream come true
And I love all the things you do
It's true, how I love you
You are the magic in my soul, you're every dream I've ever known
In your eyes so blue, well, I love you
You're a dream come true
And we love the things you do
You're a dream come true
And it's true, well we love you
You were the light we'd seen before
You shined as bright as the brightest star
All we wish for you to know... Is we love you so
You're our dream come true
And we love the things you do
You're our dream come true
And it's true, well we love you -
I can totally relate! And I feel the same way, if a dream can come true for an ordinary writer like me, then it's possible for everyone!
Your post has left me grinning from ear to ear, Debra. Congratulations on all those dreams coming true.
Jody, I love that we're on this journey "together" at approximately the same time. Your experience has inspired me so much. I hope to do the same for others. I wish you only the best. ;-)
Sanda, YAY!!!! Oh, and thank you. ;-)
Wow, amazing my dear! By the way, who is the incredible artiste who took your photos?? Great composition....Love you!
Chuck, Same guy I use for my pool boy and tech guy. He's very handy, so to speak.;-)
Congratulations, Debra. Doing a happy dance for you. I love all the pix!
Wow - exciting moments!!! Great photos for posterity :)
Great looking kids!
Sherrie, Thanks so much. Like Jemi says, it's fun to capture the moments on film for prosperity!!!
Jemi, You took the words right out of my mouth! (See comment to Sherrie.)
And, yeah, my "little" guys are kind of cute. (And by "little" I mean 5-10" taller than me!!)
I'm so thrilled for you! It's wonderful to be a witness (albeit only virtual) to your dreams coming true! Great pictures and beautiful lyrics!
That was a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing the moment and your gorgeous babies!
Well done you !
What a great feeling that must have been, congratulation!
You definitely got the best Christmas gift this year!! Way to go!! Wouldn't it be nice to receive this gift every Christmas!?!?!
Congrats! How fun that you took pictures! I just recently signed my agency agreement as well, and you're right, it feels very significant! Congrats again!
Mandy, I appreciate your virtual support! I hope things are working out for you down in FL. ;-)
Glynis, Moments are all we have, right? And they are pretty gorgeous, thanks to their dad. ;-)
Elise, Why, thank you very much!
CS, Thank you, indeed it was! And I believe amazing moments like this should be shared.
Donna, You're right - the holidays do seem cheerier this year. Merry, happy everything!
Katie, Congrats to you, as well. I'm sure Rachelle is pleased she made such a wise choice. ;-)
So happy for you, my writer friend!
Daisy, I love having you "along for the ride." Your support means a lot. ;-)
Congrats again, I can feel your excitement. I can't stop smiling for you :)
That is so exciting for you!! I have been begging my daughter to write for years (after reading several of her short stories) but she tells me maybe some day...she teaches 9th grade (loves it ) and is getting her masters degree.
Smiling for you!
Beautiful boys by the way.
Diana, Why, thank you! I appreciate the endless grins. ;-))
Gayle, It's never too late - I'm proof of that! But, your daughter has to want to do it more than anything. It's a LOT of work!
Christina, Thank you and thank you. Very much appreciated!
I am proud of you. I will keep seeking the dream.
Fabulous. Congratulations on signing on the dotted line. May this be the beginning of a long and lucrative writing career.
From one writer to another, inspiring.
Teresa, Thank you. Seeking your dreams is one way to set your soul free. ;-)
FL, Thanks and I'm glad you're inspired. Also, thanks for being part of my journey this past year - I greatly appreciate it. ;-)
COngratulations! What a wonderful moment and thank you for sharing it with those of us who are still dreaming of the day!
Cool...SO COOL! Debbie, you have an agent. I hope you are doing the "I am a winner" dance. :) I wish we all had a Chuck in our lives... :)
Always take pics...you never know waht random thoughts, ideas or discussions they will bring on. :)
Suzanne, It was my pleasure to share this special moment. I think it's so important for us to see each other reaching our goals. If any one of us can do it, so can the rest of us!
Sharon, I'm doing the "I'm so LUCKY" dance!!! Especially because my agent is so freaking amazing and we fit so well together. And, yes, I'm a strong believer in taking pictures! (And having my very own "Chuck" is a definite plus!)
Karen, You're right, I am extremely lucky and I don't take any of it for granted. Blessings are precious and I am truly blessed. ;-)
I'm so happy for you. I love that you connected your signing of the contract with the birth of your babies! That song is beautiful. Do you and your husband still sing it to your boys? What do they think? Enjoy your hard-earned success!
Anne, Thank you so much for your kind words and the RT on Twitter. And, yes, we still write and record our music (in fact, both of our kids are musicians, too!). If you'd like, you can listen to a few of our songs here: http://www.myspace.com/karmachain
I'm at the beginning of the journey, just started the walk, but it's thrilling to see where it can lead.
Thank you for sharing your good news and pictures.
Your hope that you can inspire others is working well, you've inspired me :)
Marisa, I have a huge smile on my face reading your comment. If I've inspired you, then the universe is working through me as it should. ;-)
I felt the same way when I signed my agent contract a few months ago. Yes, dreams can come true!!
Paul, I didn't you realize you signed so recently! Congrats to you - it is such a wonderful milestone to achieve. ;-)
I'm so very excited for you! You are proof that dreams do come true.
CCD, Thank you so much. I hope my story will inspire others. ;-)
So encouraging! I wonder if it will ever happen to me?
Thanks for sharing.
Kelly, It will if you insist it be so! Best of luck to you along your path. ;-)
What a terrific post - and great pics! SO exciting. Thanks for the encouragement, as well. :D
Ruthanne, Glad you like the post. Your turn is coming, my friend... ;-)
LOL @ "Did you get the deep, psychological meaning of those capital letters"
VW, Well, did you???? (*laugh*)
YAYYAAY! I'm so excited for you! How cool that you took pictures and everything! YOU ROCK!
Jenni, It's so nice to see your smiling face! I hope all is well with you and your family back here in the states. And, yes, I'm thrilled, lucky, and blessed to have found such an AWESOME agent!!!
Thanks for sharing your joy! It inspires me, too!
Karen, I'm thrilled I've inspired you, and I'm grateful to all who have done (and continue to do) the same for me. ;-)
Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.
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