Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nanococoa (No Relation to Nanowrimo)

Just popping in to let you know I haven't died of Nanococoa (medical term for: lack of chocolate - no relation to Nanowrimo). I also haven't lost any weight, which seems wickedly unfair. HOWEVER, I am exercising three times a week and, in the words of an old Chicago song, feeling stronger every day**.

I have not spent one red (or even copper) cent on clothing, make-up, jewelry, or (and this hurts to write) shoes. Not one. 
I've got precisely 10 (long, arduous, chocolate-free) days to go, but who's counting? (I mean, besides me.) At that time, you will most likely find me lying cold and dirty on a park bench buried beneath Nordstrom bags and Hostess Cupcakes wrappers.

Until then, pray for me and keep me in your chocolate-covered Franco Sarto-filled thoughts. 

I'll write again when this self-inflicted chocolate-shopping torture is over.

**Interesting fact: I actually was a young member of the audience when this show, "Chicago in The Rockies" was recorded in 1973!!!


Ruthanne Reid said...


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne: Of what? The mountains of dark chocolate I'll be consuming in 10 days? ;-))

Laurie Lazar said...

Can't wait to *shop* and eat a huge variety of chocolate with you in just a few short weeks. And...I'm so proud of you. You are my hero.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Laurie, Trust me, it hasn't been all that difficult. I mean, unless you think the pink elephants and fluffy, white snowflakes flying across the room have something to do w/chocolate withdrawal...

nsiyer said...

Debra, unfortunately these chocolates ar all good till the throat. further down, they create problems.So how's you?

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

nsiyer, I'm great! How are you?

Fragrant Liar said...

I say, go for the next best thing: caramel.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

FL: ;-)))

koralee said...

Yahooooo for got me thinking this is something I should do. xoxo I know you can do it!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Koralee, If you do it, be strong. There are few things in life harder than NOT eating chocolate!

Kathryn Magendie said...

This made me laugh so hard - love it! Needed this laugh . . .

Lawd. I remember eating an entire baggie of little candy bars one night recently when uber stressed and sad and after only going without sweets/chocolate about 2 weeks. Ungh.

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