Monday, June 13, 2011

The 3 W's: Writing While Waiting

Writing While Waiting is the one and only thing a writer should do. I mean, besides painting, sculpting, writing songs, or doing anything else creative that calls your soul into being in the world.

What I have to say next may come as a shock to some: I have amicably parted ways with my agent. She's awesome. Keep querying her. You won't be sorry. That said, things just weren't working out for us. So, I'm back in the saddle, aka: querying game, again.

I'm querying my YA novel while immersed in a women's fiction book I feel more connected to than anything I've ever written. I know it's not the PC thing to do to admit such things, but guess what? I don't care. I'm more concerned with and committed to being authentic in my life than I am with what I "should" or "shouldn't" say on my blog.

When I first started this blog in September of 2008, I promised myself one thing: THIS WOULD NEVER SOLELY BE A PLACE FOR "LOOKING GOOD." Instead, it would be a place to express  my artistic and personal lives simultaneously and honestly. I've never regretted this choice.

One thing I'm clear about, and have been clear about from a young age, is this: life is fleeting. The second song I ever wrote was called, "Time Glides By." I was 16, but knew deep down this was true. Now, I'm (much) older and have discovered that (much) younger version of me was right. Life is short. Live it to the fullest.

So, I'm Writing While Waiting to hear back from a select few unbelievably amazing agents. And, if my YA novel isn't the one to gain me new representation, I have little doubt the novel I'm working on will. Over confident? Maybe. But, it's how I feel deep down in my gut.

When you pour your soul onto the page in a deep and genuine way, your life and the lives of others transform. This is the reason I write - to cause transformation in the world - to share what it is to be human - to embrace my life and the lives of others - to generate authenticity within myself and those around me. The possibility of doing this is bigger than the cosmos, brighter than the sun, deeper than the ocean, and sweeter than a newborn (well, maybe not sweeter than a newborn - this is me and my niece, Devyn, in October of 2009 - what could be sweeter than a precious new baby?). The possibility of creating something that touches others is the reason we are alive. It is an honor and a privilege and the "job" of all artists.

So, my friends, share yourselves fully, beautifully, and honestly. In the end, it's all that matters.


Unknown said...

Wow. *hug* You're a braver woman than I! I know this will work out for the best for you, no matter what.

And that last picture is PRECIOUS! Is that one of your boys?

kristina said...

I'm the queen of putting myself out there. So girl, show us your whole self all you want. I'll be the one with the cowbell and pom poms cheering you on. Carpe Diem!

Unknown said...

And the thing is... we wouldn't stop no matter who or what came to us and told us it wasn't right or they didn't connect... we keep going. On submission with editors is crazy too... You think you've finally done it! But... what is IT exactly? See.. it's all about the journey. We've already been here.

Daisy Whitney said...

Good luck in your search! You'll find the right fit!

SarahMarian said...

Debbie, you're one of the people I admire most on the internet and in life, precisely for posts like these. I truly respect you and know things will work out your way.

Laura S. said...

You're awesome, Debra! You'll find your soulmate agent, I know you will. :)

Your niece is beautiful!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, Brave? Not so sure about that. You just have to trust your instincts and move forward. The pic was taken in Oct. of '09 - it's me w/my niece, Devyn. ;-)

Kristina, Can't wait to see you w/a cowbell and pom poms!!!

Suzy, It is most definitely all about the journey. Can't wait to hear your good news.

Daisy, From your lips to Buddha's big, fat ears. ;-)

Sarah, The feeling is absolutely mutual. (soul sisters)

Laura, I hope you're right, my dear. And, yes, she is a beauty!

LM Preston said...

I love this roller coaster ride that comes with writing. It's opened up more doors to amazing things and people than anything else I've done.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

LM, True - the people I've met in the writing community are amazing beyond my wildest dreams.

koralee said...

Good luck my faithful friend xxoxoo

Samantha Sotto said...

Good luck with the agent hunt! The right match is out there. :-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Koralee, Namaste to you, my friend.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Samantha, Tx for the words of encouragement. Much needed and appreciated.

Lynne Matson said...

Good luck with agent hunt! You're amazing. I've never commented but lurked, and I wish you all the best. Congrats on the move, and following your gut & your heart. And like they say, a published writer is one who never quit. :)
We're rooting for you.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Lynne, Thank you so much. It means a lot to know my words effect people, even if they don't comment. You really made my day. ;-)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katy Josephine said...

I happened on your blog a couple of weeks ago and was drawn to your message and your writing voice. You now appear on my blog roll.

You are so right - life is short indeed. I started my blog as a tribute to my mother, who died last year. Since them, it has become a window to my own life, and I walk that line between deciding what to share and what to keep private.

Your honesty and openness makes your blog a really great read. Glad I found it!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Josephine, So glad you found me. I just checked out your blog and LOVE it - a great sense of humor rules, and you've got one. I look forward to getting to know you better. Cheers!

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