Monday, February 7, 2011

Ends and Beginnings. Beginnings and Ends. Or, Rock it, Baby, Rock It!

I'm down to the last 50 pages of edits on my YA manuscript. (Cue loud cheers, put the brownies in the oven, and chill the champagne.) For those of you who've been counting, this is Draft #7.

This book's journey began in September of '09 with an idea. Actually, that's not true. It began with a title. Soon after, I had a fuzzy idea. I pitched it to AA in one short sentence, and she asked to read my first draft when it was done. Six weeks later, I completed the first draft and nervously hit the "send" button. She read it, loved it, and offered me representation. Although it was the fifth novel I'd completed, I had no idea how much work would be involved.

I wrote, rewrote, changed POV, hired an editor, and now, here I am, almost a year and a half later, getting ready to ship off (what I hope will be) the last fully edited draft to AA. As much as I love this ms, I'm starting to get an itch; an itch that can only be scratched by a new story and new characters.

Enter... NEW BEGINNING! (Don't worry. That's not the title.)

I'd previously mentioned that, while on my cruise, I scribbled out the first few pages of a possible new writing adventure. I've got the title and a general idea I hope to pitch to AA soon. I'm excited and terrified about (once again) stepping into the unknown and trusting myself to do the idea justice. In writing, as in life, it's the journey that matters. After all, what's the point of living if not to learn with the curiosity of a child, love with our deepest of hearts, stretch our talents and abilities as far as we can, and eat the most chocolate we can possibly get our hands on?

Art imitates life, so it's no surprise this is a direct parallel to my "real" life. I've been honest about my separation and eventual divorce, because I'm committed to this blog being about my writing journey and my life's journey. This time in my life has been both brutal and exhilarating, but one thing's for sure: every second has been a learning experience. Every tear, every accomplishment, and every new day has provided an opportunity to explore my soul and learn more about who I am and who I'm capable of becoming as a writer, woman, mom, friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend, and as a caring, loving human being.

Ends and beginnings. Beginnings and ends. The figure eight of eternity. The endless circle of life where beginnings and ends fade into one.

No matter your perspective, it's all a journey. So, have fun with it, love it, share it, live it, and most importantly, rock it, baby ROCK IT!


Unknown said...

Back to the gypsy that you were, girl. The gypsy that you still are.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Suzy, God, I love you. You so get me. ;-)

Unknown said...

It's so true that the joy is in the journey! I absolutely cannot wait to see where yours goes next.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Ruthanne, You're "with me" on this magical journey, and for that, I'm forever grateful.

Kathryn Magendie said...

The Shakespeare quote at the beginning of VK III reads:
The wheel is come full circle, I am here. Shakespeare

Congrats on the almost done edits and on the New Beginnings!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Karen, Thanks so much. I'm learning the truth to "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." The strength you claim from working through breakdowns is an extraordinary gift you give yourself.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kat, You always bring a smile to my face. Thank you. ;-)

Aidan Donnelley Rowley @ Ivy League Insecurities said...

I love your attitude here. Your honesty about the ups and the downs, the process, the journey as you call it. I think that this perspective is enviable as we never ever know where our lives or characters will take us. Indeed it is always an adventure and in so many ways, we are just along for the ride. Congrats on the closeness of your present draft; I know how meaningful this is. And cheers to new beginnings :)

Robin said...

I am learning more and more just important it is to find that joy. It really is all about the joy. If you can get back to that, everything else will flow. So glad that you are on your way...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Aidan, Thanks for your kind words. Your honesty on your blog inspires me. I wish you the best with your "new beginnings" as well.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Robin, So true - when you're in touch with your personal joy, everything else works itself out.

Stacia Kelly said...

Going with the flow and being honest about it all...the BEST way to go ;)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Stacia, Doing my best, my dear, doing my best.

Kelly Polark said...

Hugs and congrats on your final edits! You rock, Debra!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Thanks, Kelly - right back atcha!

BookGeek said...

I may not have been following you for long, but your words always bring a rueful smile to my face. Thanks so much for sharing your life and writing journey with us (me) and making me want to continue it even more.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

BG, Thanks so much for your comment. It means a whole lot. ;-)

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