Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE Gets a Tan! Plus, Chelsea Handler Naked?

WARNING: Pictures of sizzling hot women appear in this post. If you're the kind of (moron) who's offended by that type of thing, walk away NOW!

My book's in Acapulco, Mexico. It's true, my parents, sister and brother-in-law are sitting on a beach in Acapulco reading MURDER ON TWILIGHT CIRCLE. Mind you, they're doing this while I sit in my room on the computer 24/7 sending them final edits as fast as my small fingers and even smaller mind will allow. It's fun to think my book is traveling the globe even as I slave away like some sort of 18th century beer-swilling wench. Come to think of it, a nice, cold beer might make this whole endeavor much less stressful...

I'm excited I'll be sending off my full soon! I've kinda sorta been promising for like more than a month that I'd send it... BUT, I've been staying in communication, which is key. I've also got three partials out to uber-fantastic agents, and I've started querying others as well. I'm LOVING this book, and am hoping someone who can help make my literary dreams come true will share my gooey sentiments.

Plus, I really, really, really want to get started on MURDER ON SONGBIRD LANE. (Don't you hate it when people overuse the word really?) Like I said, I wrote the first page, but I've forced myself not to look at it again until MTC is out the door.

Speaking of looking, here's a little eye candy for you. We got tickets to see Chelsea Handler, Goddess of Comedy (and clearly the hottest comic in America!), in Atlantic City over Labor Day Weekend. As my niece, Arissa would say, how awesomely awesome is that? Sadly, for my husband and all the other men (and, probably some women) in the audience, she won't be appearing in "all her glory." We'll also be staying at the same B&B we stayed in for our anniversary. What a PERFECT end to a work-filled summer.

For those of you who love Katy Perry or want to be turned on by a drop-dead gorgeous rising pop star, check out my new article on the sizzling hot songstress.

And, I've given in to peer pressure and am now on Twitter. Follow me if you wish. I promise not to tweet about doing laundry or what I'm eating.;-)


Angie Ledbetter said...

Oooo, hope your folks put SPF 50 on MTC while they're on vacation!

:) Huggage (I'm trying to tweet/toot also.....yikes!)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, Hah! I'd better warn them. I wouldn't want the pages burning up in the hot Mexican sun!!!

Mandy said...

How exciting - your book is already a world traveler! Just don't let it come back sick with the swine flu, ;-) I LOVE Chelsea Handler! I love comics who make fun of other people (because I'm a wench like that, LOL~). Let us know what your family thinks of the final edits. Aren't family the hardest critics besides ourselves? I know my family would tell me something like, "Oh honey, that's good stuff. Now bring me a beer," if they liked it. But if they didn't like it, they'd say, "Well, you don't need to buy toilet paper anytime soon!" But I know in your case, it's the first response! :-) Then you can get your wish of that nice cold beer! Cheers! ~Mandy

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Mandy, No doubt - my family points out EVERY LITTLE THING!!! That's good, though, keeps me in line (yeah, right!). I bow down at the feet of Chelsea - she totally cracks me up!!!! Other Chelsea-lovers are kindred spirits.;-)

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

Oh I hope that the fam loves it and gives you good reviews!!! And then you can have the cold one...and get started on the next one..book that is!!!! Enjoy the Chelsea Handler show as Im sure you will!!!! Oh wait thats not until Labor day...well in case I forget to tell you then IM telling you now....have a great time!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Dena, So far, they're loving it - even my dad who's mostly into international intrigue/thriller type books. It's so nice to have them on board! They've liked my previous work, but not been gung-ho. This time they're doing cartwheels. And, Labor Day will be here before you know it and I'll get to see CHELSEA again. Yay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally got some naked girls on this site! Well done. Isn't that why the internet was invented?

keith H

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Keith, I knew one day you'd appreciate my work. Chelsea's smokin', plus she's funny as hell. Love to you and Jo - give us a call.;-)

Kelly Polark said...

Your family gets some good beach reading and you get some good critiquing. Win-Win!
Chelsea looks HOT! I love her! I hope she appears in my area at some point (I did see Joel McHale last year, he's so funny, too).
Great Katy Perry article! Someone just told me I looked like her (which I seriously don't). I think she and Zooey Deschanel look so much alike!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kelly, Chelsea is the bomb. Love her, love her, love her. Getting told you look like Katy Perry is a MAJOR compliment! Zooey Deschanel is completely adorable, too. She's got a new movie coming out soon. Glad you liked the article on KP. It was a fun one to write. I learned a lot.;-)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Oh, good luck with the tweeting. I know I would post when I go to the bathroom, just because.

Write on!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

MJ, Too funny! I will try to refrain from mindless tweeting, but no promises!!

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Oh, Debbie, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

That picture of Chelsea... I hate it when they put someone else's face on my body. Same thing happens every year with the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Bastards!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Linda, I know! How dare they??? I feel the same way every month when the new Playboy issue comes out. I mean, how many different ways can you airbrush my magnificent bod?;-)

Unknown said...

Don't you hate that unborn book just tugging at you?

Angie Ledbetter said...

Schube, I got an interview up you might be interested in. A writer's writer. :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Suzanne, OMG, yeah. But I can't wait to "meet" it!!!!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Angie, I'm on my way over.;-)

Rebecca Anne said...

You had me at "warning" ~~

Well traveled words will be nice and warmed up for publication and world wide domination on the book front. No problem.
Can't wait to read about your experience watching Chelsea! And, you, gasp, are on twitter?? I'm on it, or around it, or maybe just clicking. You will know me as @rebeccahaswrote and I promise never to tweet about laundry or dishes~

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Rebecca, I hope we'll meet one day. I love your style. Hey, tell me what the # sign means on Twitter - I'm at a loss. And their "help" section blows. See you in the Twitosphere! (That sounds vaguely obscene, which is in keeping with this post!!) ;-)

The Peach Tart said...

I saw Chelsea recently. I just have to warn you to wear your Depends unless you want to have an embarrassing accident.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Deborah, SO glad you found me! Yes, I've seen Chelsea once before, and I will definitely bring my Depends! She and Lewis Black are my favorites. I could sit and listen to them all day long. They're like the Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac of comedy.;-)

Kasie West said...

I will only follow you on twitter if you tweet about doing laundry or what you are wearing. So do you want me to follow you or everyone else? Yes, that's what I thought. So get on the laundry tweets. :)

How exciting that your baby is about to be sent out into the harsh world. Good luck. And I say, better to take a month and make it perfect than to send it out before it's ready. So good for you for not pressuring yourself into sending it out too soon. I'm sending happy thoughts into the universe for you. :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Kasie, Thanks for the reminder about not putting the cake on the table before it's fully baked. But, it's so darn tempting!

I'm following you, on Twitter, too. Can't wait to hear about your laundry and clothing selections.;-)

Pen Pen said...

Chelsea Handler!! SHe's my FAV!!:)
I think if we just met in real life we'd click-ur my friend "type":) Katy Perry is gonna be here in Houston in like 2 weeks and I was actually entering stalker territory when I was like, "Maybe I should go hang out at the cupcake place since she likes cupcakes and might just walk in-then I can say hi!"...I don't think I'll do that tho--I want to meet her in the same way she met Madonna--Madonna knew her name and liked "Ur So Gay"--so Madonna was a fan of HER before Katy met her :) I think that the situation that would MOST likely end in me and KAty being friends :)
...THat's how I want to meet Stephen King too.
We can have a casual conversation and then I can invite her over for a pajama party and we can paint eachother's nails! I'll give u a call when that happens and u can come too! I smell a night of 'Showgirls' and junk food!! :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

PenPen, Yup, we're sister soul-mates! Did you read the article on KP? She's awesomely awesome.Count me in on the slumber party!!!;-)

♥ Braja said...

Hey good luck with agents et al...I'm on the same path, with L&FII now a book, and my agent flogging it in the US, India, and Europe....but yeah, I'll believe it when the check's in the bank....

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Braja, Best of luck to you!!!! You've got my good wishes.;-)

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